Skill points
Sorry, but I have a noob question. I've been level 20 for some time and have not been paying attention to skill points I've been gaining.. Whenever I gain a skill point, I just noticed that the number never goes past 8. Therefore, I can't put points into high-numbered categories. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just a game thing?
I may be misreading what you said but it sounds like you're referring to attribute points rather than skill points. Skill points allow you to buy new skills, attribute points raise/lower your primary or secondary attributes.
You only have a up to certain number of attribute points (300 total I think). You gain 270 through levelling up and the other 30 through 2 quests. Once you reach the 300 cap you wont get any more so you'll have to use your points wisely. Thankfully you're allowed to shift points about as you see fit.
Hope that answered your question
You only have a up to certain number of attribute points (300 total I think). You gain 270 through levelling up and the other 30 through 2 quests. Once you reach the 300 cap you wont get any more so you'll have to use your points wisely. Thankfully you're allowed to shift points about as you see fit.
Hope that answered your question
Originally Posted by Highstorm
You only have a up to certain number of attribute points (300 total I think). You gain 270 through levelling up and the other 30 through 2 quests. Once you reach the 300 cap you wont get any more so you'll have to use your points wisely. Thankfully you're allowed to shift points about as you see fit.
Attribute points only go up to 200. You get 170 by leveling up to 20, and the other 30 are gained by either doing 2 quests in Prophecies or gaining certian sunspear levels in Nightfall. (I don't know how to get them in factions, never started a character there).
These aren't the same as skill points. After level 20, you won't gain any more attribute points by "leveling." But each time you do, you'll get one skill point that you can use to get skills from skills trainers (along with a fee of up to 1K) The number of skill points shows up in your character's hero window (??)(Press "H" to bring it up.)
These aren't the same as skill points. After level 20, you won't gain any more attribute points by "leveling." But each time you do, you'll get one skill point that you can use to get skills from skills trainers (along with a fee of up to 1K) The number of skill points shows up in your character's hero window (??)(Press "H" to bring it up.)
Thanks for the corrections ss1986v2, Kook~NBK~. I mentally added 97, 97 and 6 (my ele attribute totals) and reached 300 >.<