I was wondering how much money is in the game right now, How "Rich" Players are on average.
All you have to Do Is type how much Money (to the penny) you have, accross all characters (An easy way: deposit everything in the Storage), And how old your account is (type /age) And the Number of Characters you have (Excluding PvP) and I will do all the number crunching. (Average Money in this thread, For 2 million People in game)
Obviously the more samples I have, the more accurate the readings are.
If you post more then once (And you can and it is encouraged, seeing as you purchase and sell constently) Please indicate So. I Calcualte monetary values individually.
Please do not feel ashamed on how little you have, All values are needed and appricated.
Please Do not embellish, and Do be truthfull.
ONLY Count Actual Gold Peices and Platinum, Items DO NOT count.
Starting with me, At the Moment I have
1,231gp in storage. (Weak for 15k Armour)
There are 10 characters in my account
I have played For 436 hours and 36 minutes over 8 months
The Average GW Account Has:
There is Approximatly
in the game.
Sample Size: 2
Fancy Charts and more detailed analysis To come with larger sample size.
Survey: How Much Money is IN the Game?
13,459GP. My ranger's shiny 15k armor says hi from the money-sink department.
I have 6 PvE Characters.
I have 6 PvE Characters.
Lord Sojar
2,462,000,000gp = 2,462,000k Just to let you correct that.
Since I have already have had my account hacked, I am not posting here. Good Luck with your math.
Since I have already have had my account hacked, I am not posting here. Good Luck with your math.
Unfortunatly I think this post should be shut down. Why? Some of us have been hacked and I realy do not want anyone to go through the same thing I went through. Before I was hacked i had over 3 million gold (10 characters 2 accounts), after the thief stole everything I now have very little to show for 17 months of work. Please keep these posts off here due to the un scrupulous people who may take advantage of the players who might have posted here by targeting them.
Mega Mouse

Mega Mouse
Dear MM.
I am not asking you for your Password or any of your account information.
If you ahve been hacked it is because you are careless.
Yes I said it, you are careless.
3rd party Programs, keyloggers
Being subdued by anybody asking you shifty questions.
Not everybody is Dumb enough to give others Account names or Secret questions.
I am not asking you for your Password or any of your account information.
If you ahve been hacked it is because you are careless.
Yes I said it, you are careless.
3rd party Programs, keyloggers
Being subdued by anybody asking you shifty questions.
Not everybody is Dumb enough to give others Account names or Secret questions.