Sub-villians [Every-Chapter Spoilers]
Alt F Four
I feel sorry for the guys at Anet. Abbadon is dead. Thee big bad enemy that they had been building up since the creation of the Battle Isles and the distruction of the original Tombs is dead.
Now they need to think of something that's just as grand without being repetitive and/or lack-luster. I mean, my idea pool would be cashed at that point, so I'm not going to ever pretend I have a better idea for a main central enemy. Moving along, I got to thinkin'.
Ya'll remember Ventra? He was in a quest or two, if my memory serves me he was in Presearing as well, and then spawned all the way out in Kessix Peak? (Or however you spell that.)
He's a bad guy. Not a bad-bad-bad, destroy the world as we know it, high-rez box art bad guy, no. He's just a bad guy.
What I'm saying is, I really want a group of bad guys. Like the opposite to Mhenlo and company. Guys who pop up every couple of quests/missions/areas/chapters, that mimic human players in the sense of they have max weaponry and use seven skills and a rez signet.
Y'know. Like henchies. But evil. Maybe even register that NPCs can use Rez-shrines too, but that's asking a bit much.
Now they need to think of something that's just as grand without being repetitive and/or lack-luster. I mean, my idea pool would be cashed at that point, so I'm not going to ever pretend I have a better idea for a main central enemy. Moving along, I got to thinkin'.
Ya'll remember Ventra? He was in a quest or two, if my memory serves me he was in Presearing as well, and then spawned all the way out in Kessix Peak? (Or however you spell that.)
He's a bad guy. Not a bad-bad-bad, destroy the world as we know it, high-rez box art bad guy, no. He's just a bad guy.
What I'm saying is, I really want a group of bad guys. Like the opposite to Mhenlo and company. Guys who pop up every couple of quests/missions/areas/chapters, that mimic human players in the sense of they have max weaponry and use seven skills and a rez signet.
Y'know. Like henchies. But evil. Maybe even register that NPCs can use Rez-shrines too, but that's asking a bit much.
Haha, funny idea, altough would be boring to see them every chapter. you'll get a 'oh no, not these clowns again' feeling.
Alt F Four
Exactly the kind of feeling I want.
I dont mind, anyone who wants mhenlo dead is a friend of mine.
But seriously, recourring enemies on a smaller scale would be good.
But seriously, recourring enemies on a smaller scale would be good.
Maybe it would be better if you could pick a side?
Not the Luxon/Kurzick crap but more like join Team Mhenlo for a good ending, good heroes and good end game greens or join Team Anti-Mhenlo with evil endings, evil heroes and evil greens.
Not the Luxon/Kurzick crap but more like join Team Mhenlo for a good ending, good heroes and good end game greens or join Team Anti-Mhenlo with evil endings, evil heroes and evil greens.
Terra Xin
Verata, not Ventra...
He has skills named after him you know.
Not to kill the idea in any way... but... aren't people's suggestions becoming more and more like... pokemon?
He has skills named after him you know.
Not to kill the idea in any way... but... aren't people's suggestions becoming more and more like... pokemon?
Pokemon the bane of the gaming world.
I personaly would like some sort of mini bad guy group to kill every once in a while. Could make things more interesting. But as far as main bad guy's go the next should be maybe a reawakened dragon hell-bent on justr destroying everything in its path across all chapters not just in one chapter only. And have his chaos seen by all players in all chapters after they have finished their main quests and storyline.
Mega Mouse
I personaly would like some sort of mini bad guy group to kill every once in a while. Could make things more interesting. But as far as main bad guy's go the next should be maybe a reawakened dragon hell-bent on justr destroying everything in its path across all chapters not just in one chapter only. And have his chaos seen by all players in all chapters after they have finished their main quests and storyline.
Mega Mouse
I think the new enemy should be Gwen. Insane, evil and ready to take over the world, with flute playing monkeys.
~the Rat with a broken flute~
~the Rat with a broken flute~
Anarion Silverhand
Originally Posted by legion_rat
I think the new enemy should be Gwen. Insane, evil and ready to take over the world, with flute playing monkeys.
But I like the idea of sub-villains, though.
Yeah, it would be great...
Bonetti, the petulant Warrior, follower of Menzies.
Otyugh, the feral Ranger, follower of (put evil enemy of Melandru here,
Verata, the selfish Necromancer, follower of Dhuum.
Rodgort, the demonic Elementalist, follower of Abaddon.
Judge, the evil Monk follower of (put evil enemy of Dwayna here,
Wastrel, the suspicious Mesmer follower of (put evil enemy of Lyssa here,
They would be something like ... let me think... that 'Team Rocket' in that pokemon TV series, they appear sometimes and are the source of the problems, but in some situations thy have to help you even if they do not want to.
You could add some side quest for them in all the campaings, and once you finish all the quest in all the campaings, you unlock 6 more quests, one in each realm of the gods, XD.
- Finish those, and you'll get them as heroes, XD.
Bonetti, the petulant Warrior, follower of Menzies.
Otyugh, the feral Ranger, follower of (put evil enemy of Melandru here,

Verata, the selfish Necromancer, follower of Dhuum.
Rodgort, the demonic Elementalist, follower of Abaddon.
Judge, the evil Monk follower of (put evil enemy of Dwayna here,

Wastrel, the suspicious Mesmer follower of (put evil enemy of Lyssa here,

They would be something like ... let me think... that 'Team Rocket' in that pokemon TV series, they appear sometimes and are the source of the problems, but in some situations thy have to help you even if they do not want to.
You could add some side quest for them in all the campaings, and once you finish all the quest in all the campaings, you unlock 6 more quests, one in each realm of the gods, XD.
- Finish those, and you'll get them as heroes, XD.
You realize that an Otyugh isn't a person, but rather a monster? Neither is "Judge" or "Wastrel". Perhaps you should spend some time with a dictionary?
Kai Nui
I wonder if MithranArkanere thinks Ether Feast is based off the monsters Raging Ethers, and this is what they use to eat with?
This idea is pretty lame and kind of childish. Enemies that don't die and keep coming back is what cartoons are all about. I mean it, seriously. When's the last time you saw in a cartoon where the bad guy was killed off and we never saw him again?
I think it'd be nice to see something actually original follow up. Maybe we get to go through portals into space to find out what the deal is with the Mursaat and Seers? Honestly, I still don't know which of them is good. The mursaat did the whole killing off of chosen ones, but it was for the greater good of stopping the Flameseeker prophicies from being fufilled and releasing the titans. But then, the seers were just on the side fighting them for unknown reasons, just some unrelated fighting. Then not to mention the bonus is to kill Glint who's supposedly good? Doesn't make sense, especially since she helps with you stopping the titans afterwards. I definitely see some potential for a good story there, not to mention... What ever did happen to Gwen?
This idea is pretty lame and kind of childish. Enemies that don't die and keep coming back is what cartoons are all about. I mean it, seriously. When's the last time you saw in a cartoon where the bad guy was killed off and we never saw him again?
I think it'd be nice to see something actually original follow up. Maybe we get to go through portals into space to find out what the deal is with the Mursaat and Seers? Honestly, I still don't know which of them is good. The mursaat did the whole killing off of chosen ones, but it was for the greater good of stopping the Flameseeker prophicies from being fufilled and releasing the titans. But then, the seers were just on the side fighting them for unknown reasons, just some unrelated fighting. Then not to mention the bonus is to kill Glint who's supposedly good? Doesn't make sense, especially since she helps with you stopping the titans afterwards. I definitely see some potential for a good story there, not to mention... What ever did happen to Gwen?
Well, I don't think you ever see her 'in the flesh' after Dragon's Lair - it's always that ghostly floating head thing. Maybe if you kill her, the 'Vision of Glint' is actually Glint's ghost continuing to manipulate from behind the scenes rather than a projection.
Or maybe there's a Forgotten Priest somewhere we don't see who brings her back to life every two minutes
Or maybe there's a Forgotten Priest somewhere we don't see who brings her back to life every two minutes

Note: You never kill Glint, you simply defeat her in battle. There is a difference.
Another note: People talk about the idea resembling Pokemon, but I wonder how many of you have ever played Chrono Cross...
More to the point, it's an interesting idea, though the execution of it would have to be carefully planned as to not introduce any more plot-holes into the already pockmarked storylines of Guild Wars.

Another note: People talk about the idea resembling Pokemon, but I wonder how many of you have ever played Chrono Cross...

More to the point, it's an interesting idea, though the execution of it would have to be carefully planned as to not introduce any more plot-holes into the already pockmarked storylines of Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by AlienFromBeyond
You realize that an Otyugh isn't a person, but rather a monster? Neither is "Judge" or "Wastrel". Perhaps you should spend some time with a dictionary?
but Yes i would like side stories or villains whatever...
Yeah, I know, but Only Verata and Bonetti are villains with their names in actual skills. I perfectly know what does watrel means, that Rodgort comes from 'Trogdor' and the origin of the word "Otyugh" (badly translated Ochuu in Final Fantasy games) and that most of the other spell with names come from Canthan Heroes. But that's not the point. It was an example and I just used skill names with a 's.
I can't believe you wasted your time with such a comment. Need to flame? Rules says no to, remeber? Post about the idea next time, ok? Ahem...
By the way, this can be perfectly made without plot holes. You just neet to encapsulate this side plot so they don't interfere with the main plot.
I can't believe you wasted your time with such a comment. Need to flame? Rules says no to, remeber? Post about the idea next time, ok? Ahem...
By the way, this can be perfectly made without plot holes. You just neet to encapsulate this side plot so they don't interfere with the main plot.
Warrior Of The Toon
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
Not to kill the idea in any way... but... aren't people's suggestions becoming more and more like... pokemon?
But yeah some familiar faces other than the uber baddies would be nice to see.
Well... this game is a lot like Pokemon:
- Linear history... or with 'two alternate ways'... XD
- Fixed set of skills when entering battle.
- You can buy some skills, or you can 'capture' them. The best ones can be only captured.
- When all the party is defeated your return to nearest 'resurrect' area.
- Enemies use the same skills you may use, not only monster ones.
- It has PartyVersusParty features. And half the game is about that.
Well... I could be like this all day long, XD...
- Linear history... or with 'two alternate ways'... XD
- Fixed set of skills when entering battle.
- You can buy some skills, or you can 'capture' them. The best ones can be only captured.
- When all the party is defeated your return to nearest 'resurrect' area.
- Enemies use the same skills you may use, not only monster ones.
- It has PartyVersusParty features. And half the game is about that.
Well... I could be like this all day long, XD...