I wonder if this can be done, I purchased a copy of Prophecies from a friend who no longer plays,I have his access key and password, can I link this account to my existing Factions account, if so how do I go about doing it.
Linking Guildwars accounts
Ral Hanzo
Originally Posted by Ral Hanzo
I wonder if this can be done, I purchased a copy of Prophecies from a friend who no longer plays,I have his access key and password, can I link this account to my existing Factions account, if so how do I go about doing it.
Thanks |
As far as linking exsisting accounts it can't be done, If you want to link Profecies and Factions the only way to do it is to purchace a new copy of Profecies. There have been a lot of threads on this already.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse