The case of the missing armor piece

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


hi everyone, i'd just like your views on this strange issue i've had today.

as recently as late last night, i'd had my dervish fissure of woe armor crafted, which was great, and thought that was the end of it. not so.

stuck it all on, and decided to go out and do some LB point AFK farming, and leave it there all night, which was ok, came back this morning and, still there, no problem. i travelled back into the outpost, out of the vortex, and over to kaineng center. from there i did a few things, blah blah blah, headed over to tahnakkai temple to do the mission, noone there, so over to zin ku to do the primary quests down to arborstone.
I get down to tanglewood copse, and leave into arborstone (explorable.) half way through the area i suddenly realised i only had 505 health remaining, so i check my armor, and realised the vambraces had just vanished as i'd gone through, which doesn't make any sense. any ideas on what might have happened?

for the record:
a) i was never disconnected, it happened live.
b) no hacking at all - why nick a vambrace when theres more valuable stuff to nick

just like your thoughts, please.



Join Date: Dec 2005




Really odd...No clue :s

I aslo admire your courage to go through the Factions storyline again

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


were u drunk or high when u bought ur armor? maybe u forgot something..?

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


ha, no, it's as baffling to me as you. well, i'm only re-playing the factions storyline for cheap SP's, nothing else, considering NF is all done and dusted as far as exploration/completion is concerned.

still cant quite get my head around the fact its one part (not even the most obvious), no money/ectos/dyes/weapons taken, so i'm wondering if anet did'nt like me having it and nabbed it back :/ not that they'd own up to it, of course.

just my 2p's worth.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Cow Tale
were u drunk or high when u bought ur armor? maybe u forgot something..?

Anyway, did you sell the old armor to a merchant? Perhaps, you accidently sold the vambraces as well?

...Happened to me once. >.< I'm just glad it was only lowbie armour.

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


Originally Posted by Delfette

Anyway, did you sell the old armor to a merchant? Perhaps, you accidently sold the vambraces as well?

...Happened to me once. >.< I'm just glad it was only lowbie armour.

yea, that was the very first thing i thought of. but i was'nt quite stupid enough to drop my first ever FoW set in an explorable area....LOL. same with the merchants, besides theres the message that says blah blah are you sure you want to sell it, and theres no way i would have said 'yeah take it'. i just think there's something fishy going on here...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Karr's Castle


Originally Posted by Cow Tale
were u drunk or high when u bought ur armor? maybe u forgot something..?
wow dude...

Anyways, is it possible you swapped off the vambrace or something? I know I tend to have either 2 sets of helms or vambraces with different runes. I mean, I suppose it could be a bug but that sounds kinda odd. So you know it's not in your inventory?

Originally Posted by steve harrison
still cant quite get my head around the fact its one part (not even the most obvious), no money/ectos/dyes/weapons taken, so i'm wondering if anet did'nt like me having it and nabbed it back :/ not that they'd own up to it, of course.
That doesn't really make any sense. I suppose you could have sold them by accident, not that you'd own up to it, of course.

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


Originally Posted by Darksun
wow dude...

Anyways, is it possible you swapped off the vambrace or something? I know I tend to have either 2 sets of helms or vambraces with different runes. I mean, I suppose it could be a bug but that sounds kinda odd. So you know it's not in your inventory?

That doesn't really make any sense. I suppose you could have sold them by accident, not that you'd own up to it, of course.

No chance. Although i do have a primeval set too, in black, (and this was grey, undyed) being as short as ive had this set, about 12 hours, i remember fairly well what ive done and where ive been since - and going to the merch wasn't one of those places. Bearing in mind i had it when i left tanglewood, and then it going in arborstone explorable, takes that out of the equation entirely.

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


Originally Posted by Darksun
wow dude...

Anyways, is it possible you swapped off the vambrace or something? I know I tend to have either 2 sets of helms or vambraces with different runes. I mean, I suppose it could be a bug but that sounds kinda odd. So you know it's not in your inventory?

That doesn't really make any sense. I suppose you could have sold them by accident, not that you'd own up to it, of course.

No chance. Although i do have a primeval set too, in black, (and this was grey, undyed) being as short as ive had this set, about 12 hours, i remember fairly well what ive done and where ive been since - and going to the merch wasn't one of those places. Bearing in mind i had it when i left tanglewood, and then it going in arborstone explorable, takes that out of the equation entirely.

doubt i'll ever know what happened, but there yer go.

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


whoops, double post.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by steve harrison
...besides theres the message that says blah blah are you sure you want to sell it, and theres no way i would have said 'yeah take it'...
Oh, what I meant was... I was selling the old armour and, without paying attention, clicked "yes" to every piece... Later I realized, I was one piece (oddly enough, the vambraces) short of a full set. I guess it didn't equip when I dragged it over the paperdoll.

But if you are sure you had all the pieces before zoning, then I have no idea!

Good luck to you on finding it!