IMPORTANT: No Bumping of Screen Requests Threads (Only once every 24 Hours!)



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


We mods of Screenshot Expo forum understand that people are always keen to see new items and armour. And of course request screenshots of armour and items they've never seen before.


Please remember that you cannot simply just 'bump' up threads just for the purpose of requesting to see things over and over again. Doing so could result in your request thread being deleted and your account user noted. So please keep that in mind! Thanks.

So in short, general image treads cannot be bumped up for any reason. You may however bump up a Request thread, ONCE every 24 hours, if your request hasn't been provided by any other forum user yet.

Please keep that in mind!



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Further Information:

It is HIGHLY recommended that you don't abuse this rule by bumping your request thread day after day for weeks on end, or bump earlier then 24 hours. Its recommended about 1 week worth of bumps is enough.

Sometimes you will need to accept that the request your making is not going to be provided by anyone.

Do not abuse the bump rule! Otherwise your thread WILL be deleted.

Please check the Screenshot Request Guidelines and Rules page for more information: