New player looking for advice.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Hi all. I bought the original Guild Wars a few weeks before Factions came out. I played it for a few days on and off, then went back to playing WoW with my friends. The only thing that kept me from playing it was not having my good friends there with me. They are wrapped up in WoW, and aren't willing to come play GW with me. I decided after trying every mmorpg available in the past 2 weeks that I am going to play GW even if I have to play alone. I'm a loner so making new friends in mmos isn't really my forte. I did find out when I played before that around lvl 12 or so the henchman weren't enough to do missions. So I understand I will have to make new friends if I wish to actually get somewhere in the game.

What I am looking for here, is advice on what to do starting out. I only have Prophecies, and will have to wait til this Friday before I can get either Factions or Nightfall. Then probably 2 more weeks til I can get the last installment, seeing as how I get paid every two weeks and have other stuff to pay for. What kind of tips could you guys give me on what to do/get first. When I watch player made videos from GW, I get so excited and want to play myself, but then I realize that I am so far behind and it turns me off to the game all over again, so I go back to playing WoW.

Anyways, and advice would help tremendously. Thanks in advance.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

You could just play Prophecies for now and decide later if you want to add to it, since you seem a little undecided about it.

A good guild can provide team mates and eventually friends if you partake of the community.

Princess Blades

Princess Blades

Kind Of A Big Deal

Join Date: Sep 2006

New Hampshire

Morituri Nolumus Mori [Mori]


I would agree with Dean, stick with prophecies for now until your sure you want to continue. Guilds are a great way to meet new people and get help at the same time. Not all will be as helpful as others, but do a little looking around and I'm sure you will be able to find something that works for you. If you find you get stuck however feel free to whisper me in game if you need help. I'm X Princess Blades X.

Old-Time Gamer

Old-Time Gamer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Berkshire, UK

Grauniads of Old Devotion


I recommend signing up with random groups, contacting people by whispering them before you invite them. The people you want to play with will produce the kind of responses you would approve of.

Update your friends list of people you know to be reliable and prehaps even make a note of their guild in the hope people from the same guild will be of the same stature. You can eventually learn to cope with a "lemon" (a term for a useless car in the UK) or two in the party as they don't directly spoil a mission.

After a while, even if you keep failing, you'll learn what you need to complete a mission and be able to work with people who have learnt it.

Henchman become more useful if you are very good at either healing them or defending the weaker characters, especially the healers.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by janix2007
I'm a loner so making new friends in mmos isn't really my forte. I did find out when I played before that around lvl 12 or so the henchman weren't enough to do missions. So I understand I will have to make new friends if I wish to actually get somewhere in the game

Anyways, and advice would help tremendously. Thanks in advance.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


I recommend looking for pugs in missions, playing with them before is better than accepting random invites into guilds. Add the ones that you enjoy playing with and see if they'd invite you into their guild. It might take a while to find a good guild, however it will be worth it when you do.

There's also a thread for people looking for a guild, so post abit about yourself and see who picks you up.

But if you're really a loner, read up on the missions on guildwiki and learn to control henchmen. It can all be done without another person.

I've beaten prophecies, factions, and nightfall with henchies/heroes at least once. I'm sure many others have too. Just need to know what to expect.


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



When I played Prophecies for the first time it was hard but henchable as long as you were part monk and could res the henchies when you go with henchies its not if they are going to die but when. Ideally Rebirth if possible.

I think when I was leveling up my warrior I henched everything except for thirsty river (The henchies dont pack enough damage or anticasting skills to stop the 2 healer bosses from healing each other). Its possible to do almost everything with henchies but just takes a lot of work and will be much much quicker if you can find a good group though good groups are harder and harder to find these days.

If you do consider getting another chapter get nightfall for the heroes they will make the other chapters much much easier being able to have 3 extra level 20s around with builds that you can control if you got the skill unlocks. Also if things get really tough for most missions youll be fine by overloading on monks/healers as long as you bring enough damage it just take forever but it will get things done.

One comment i have to make if you plan on getting all 3 GWs just know that the endgame content is based around PvP unless you want to farm just for the sake of being rich and enjoying the farming. Either way youll get the most out of guildwars by playing with people you enjoy playing with otherwise its just an endless grind.

Guildwiki is going to be your best friend its like the thottbot of guildwars .

I play wow too these days but playing guildwars right now till BC comes out kind of pointless when you know all the gear you put tons of hours of raiding getting will be reaplced by better AH greens in 2 months.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

I play wow too these days but playing guildwars right now till BC comes out kind of pointless when you know all the gear you put tons of hours of raiding getting will be replaced by better AH greens in 2 months.
Exactly the reason why I'm not playing it right now. What's the use? Granted the arena battles are fun to do every once in a while on the test server.

Is there anything I need to know about ahead of time, so that I don't miss it and not be able to go back and get it later? Like skills, rewarding quests, etc?

Thanks for all the advice guys, keep it coming.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

There's almost nothing in GW that you can't re-do. Pre-searing is an exception.

Guildwiki lists all the skills and which ones you can get free from quest rewards and which need to be purchased. For Prophecies there are also compiled list on our guild forum in the Knowledge board which may be easier to use.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)

Meo Periculo


Hi - I've only been playing GW for 2 months, and have never played any other RPG's (or other varieties). I would recommend sticking with Prophesies for now until you decide whether or not you want to continue - no point in spending the $ on the other chapters if you're not going to play them!

As far as quest/mission groups, getting tips & help etc. goes, joining a good guild is definitely the way to go. I started two characters right out of the gate, and I joined a guild when both were around lvl11, at which point I was a little lost as to what to do next. The guild I joined was small but the players were friendly, talkative and very willing to offer assistance or advice. Try it out - you've got nothing to lose, and if you decide you don't like the guild, you can always leave.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)

Meo Periculo


P.S. You will come across some people in quests/missions or even just in the towns/outposts who don't really know what they're doing, or are just plain rude - I find the best way to deal with them is to just ignore them completely! As long as they're not screwing up the mission and causing the group to fail, there's no point in expending the energy trying to deal with ignorant people.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


A lot of good advice here, jst when you join a guild look at what they do and do not do as some have other priorities than others. As far as your friend list goes find a few good people that you like to play with and stick with them. If you feel that you would like some high lvl help just hallor at me Mega Mouse and I will either direct you to someone who can help or I willl even come if i am not occupied with other things. Hope you have fun and meet some cool players.

Mega Mouse



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


A lot of good advice here, just when you join a guild look at what they do and do not do as some have other priorities than others. As far as your friend list goes find a few good people that you like to play with and stick with them. If you feel that you would like some high lvl help just hallor at me Mega Mouse and I will either direct you to someone who can help or I willl even come if i am not occupied with other things. Hope you have fun and meet some cool players.

Mega Mouse


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

NVM figured it out heh.

dark lord of guildwars

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Mirror of Reason |SNOW|


If you do want a good guild try asking for a large one. it should drastically improve your chances of joining a good guild. I asked for one with 75 or more people and I couldn't be more satisfied with the guild I have. Been part of it for 9 months.

However the downside with large guilds is that some of them are really intense and only take veteran players and ask a lot of you.

And YEA first post!