Some (slightly noobish) Questions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ok ive been playing GW nightfall for about a week now and i have some questions...

1. (for pvp only char.) On the battle isles (as far as ive seen) There are no armorers weaponsmiths or Skill treainers.... My quiestion is how do i get new armor weopons and skills!? ive unlocked a few skills, components ect from the priest but i dont know where to obtain them... plz help lols..

2. If i use my free trial for GW factions can i make an assian and bring him over to nightfall and play with him foreever?

3. If i buy a guild weopon smith, armorer skill trainer,ect for my guild will they be able to craft all weopons and armors and train all skills?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

1. Press J.

2. No, you'll just be locked out of that character.

  • The weaponsmith in guild halls only customizes weapons. He doesn't craft anything.
  • There is no armorer in guild halls.
  • Skill trainers in guild halls only teach core skills (the skills common to every chapter) that you have already unlocked.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ty very much!