Character Appearances Trader?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

United States

Gold Dragons

Prior to the Nightfall release, I remember reading about some new possible features that were going to be added to the game. One of them was to be able to change your character's appearance at anytime (may be a fee assessed). This would be done possibly at the Guild Hall with the addition of a new trader. Has anyone heard any more about this? Thanks.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Nope, no news on that one. Gaile mentioned a "major content update" that's supposed to be implemented before Christmas, but only A.Net knows what's in that package.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by EliteGWPlayer
Prior to the Nightfall release, I remember reading about some new possible features that were going to be added to the game. One of them was to be able to change your character's appearance at anytime (may be a fee assessed). This would be done possibly at the Guild Hall with the addition of a new trader. Has anyone heard any more about this? Thanks.
due to the way the account database is set up once created you can not change it including obviously appearance.

as for thar rumor read this.

I know it's incredibly boring, but I can only repeat what Gaile has said when asked about rumours in the past:

Until we confirm something, don't set your heart on it being true. If it's a rumour, chances are it's going to be wrong. That's the way these things go, a lot of the time. Someone will talk about something they'd *like* to have, and overtime as more people talk about it it gets twisted into "I heard they are going to do this..."
Alex 'GhostRaptor' Weekes
Guild Wars Community Relations
NCsoft Europe



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


That major update refers to the introduction of the elite mission for nightfall. As for character appearance, though it is on a 'players want it'-'might some day happen', it's not something that has been planned on yet.