Hello.one Of The Things I Dont Understand Is Why When We Bust Our A.... Trying To Kill A Bunch Of Monsters We Do Not Get Any Experience.lets Say I Have A Character Level 15 And A Have Killed Hundreads Of Monsters That Are Lower Level Than Me,and I Dont Get A
Single Experience Point.
Moreover Why Warriors Do Not Earn More Life Points When They Gain A Level?they Are The Tanks In The Game Amd The Damage Dealers Right?why They Have To Die After Fighting Some Monsters,and Not Survive Due To Their Extended Lifepoints?
And Something Last.we Can Store Some Items At The Xentai Agents Storage Right?and Why On Earth We Call It Storage When There Isnt Enough Space For Our Belongings?why We Have To Decide Evry Time Which Items To Sell Because We Cant Store Them.
Please Take A Look On These Requests......
Riken Chrono
because if you kill a monster a certain number of levels below you, you dont xp. just how the game works. i dont know what you mean by life points...you maen your health? everyone class gets the same... half the things you're saying dont even make sense because its not true
Caps lock ftl.
Sound Like You Are New, Welcome To The Fourm And The Game.
(man.. its hard to type like so...)
- Its a progress Exp cut... mean you gain more exp for slaying higher lv mob, and progressively less for mob that are lower level than you. Its a typical MMO gimmic design to make you not farm easy mob over and over again.
- Warrior are fine as they are, for they do get better Armor. GW is a game where it is more about balance. Also Warrior have several HP increase skills.
- Stroage have limited space because A.net want you to buy more account (or so the conspircy theory say). Keep in mine storage does not mean unlimited space... try renting a storage garage and see how much you could fit in there. (also the chest next to the Agent can only hold so much....)
(man.. its hard to type like so...)
- Its a progress Exp cut... mean you gain more exp for slaying higher lv mob, and progressively less for mob that are lower level than you. Its a typical MMO gimmic design to make you not farm easy mob over and over again.
- Warrior are fine as they are, for they do get better Armor. GW is a game where it is more about balance. Also Warrior have several HP increase skills.
- Stroage have limited space because A.net want you to buy more account (or so the conspircy theory say). Keep in mine storage does not mean unlimited space... try renting a storage garage and see how much you could fit in there. (also the chest next to the Agent can only hold so much....)
Jeez, uninstall already. This isn't the game for you..
You Should Try Playing The Game Normally And Not Trying To Grind For Levels. And Every Profession Gets More Hit Points When They Level. I Have Very Few Problems With Storage Space As It Is (ok i'll stop now), unless I have to pull out multiple monk armour sets for farming.
Posting 2 identical threads probably doesn't help either.
Posting 2 identical threads probably doesn't help either.
bog boy
if u got exp for killing level 2s then the game wud be full of idiots that nuke huge groups of rubbish monsters