Hello.one Of The Things I Dont Understand Is Why When We Bust Our A.... Trying To Kill A Bunch Of Monsters We Do Not Get Any Experience.lets Say I Have A Character Level 15 And A Have Killed Hundreads Of Monsters That Are Lower Level Than Me,and I Dont Get A
Single Experience Point.
Moreover Why Warriors Do Not Earn More Life Points When They Gain A Level?they Are The Tanks In The Game Amd The Damage Dealers Right?why They Have To Die After Fighting Some Monsters,and Not Survive Due To Their Extended Lifepoints?
And Something Last.we Can Store Some Items At The Xentai Agents Storage Right?and Why On Earth We Call It Storage When There Isnt Enough Space For Our Belongings?why We Have To Decide Evry Time Which Items To Sell Because We Cant Store Them.
Please Take A Look On These Requests......
Fury Incarnate
If these are meant to be suggestions, you've posted in the wrong forum. Otherwise, let me address your comments.
1: You do gain experience from killing monsters of a lower level than you. However, there is a cut-off to prevent people from farming levels/skill points/the survivor title off monsters that do no damage to high-level characters.
2: Warriors don't gain more hit points, true, but thee do gain armor/runes/skills that cause them to take less damage than other classes. If you get hit for 9 every time someone else would be hit for 10, the effect is the same as have 10% more hit points than the other person.
3: The Xunlai Agents do provide more storage space. Not as much as would be nice to have, but that's something you just have to deal with. If you really need more storage space, buy an extra character slot and give your new character a couple of bags and a belt pouch for an extra 45 storage slots.
1: You do gain experience from killing monsters of a lower level than you. However, there is a cut-off to prevent people from farming levels/skill points/the survivor title off monsters that do no damage to high-level characters.
2: Warriors don't gain more hit points, true, but thee do gain armor/runes/skills that cause them to take less damage than other classes. If you get hit for 9 every time someone else would be hit for 10, the effect is the same as have 10% more hit points than the other person.
3: The Xunlai Agents do provide more storage space. Not as much as would be nice to have, but that's something you just have to deal with. If you really need more storage space, buy an extra character slot and give your new character a couple of bags and a belt pouch for an extra 45 storage slots.
You only get experience points from monsters that are 6 levels lower than you. So if you're level 15, you only get exp from level 9 and higher monsters. So - kill higher leveled monsters and you get more experience!
And yes, the smallness of storage space bugs many others too. Especially when you've played through all the chapters and have lot of stuff you'd like to hang on to.
And yes, the smallness of storage space bugs many others too. Especially when you've played through all the chapters and have lot of stuff you'd like to hang on to.
Fungus Amongus
dr1zz one
Off topic...but isn't that "titles case" typing both annoying and more time consuming? What's the point of it exactly?
Fungus Amongus
Originally Posted by DeanBB
Off topic...but isn't that "titles case" typing both annoying and more time consuming? What's the point of it exactly?
Now time for this thread to die. Hurry, mods, "Call to Arms!"
Jeez, uninstall already. This isn't the game for you..
Storage is designed to transfer items between characters. This is why it's small.
Tanks can tank. And they can get around 1500 health without really trying hard.
Of course, more health means tank will go down faster than a caster if you don't use proper skills. Skills is what makes a warrior, not HP. And for most purposes, they are either damage dealers or tanks. Never both.
And grinding low level mobs doesn't work. That's hardly surprising. Busting your A.. is wrong way to play a game. Unlike WoW, EQ and similar games, where you run into a group, start a macro and watch the xp fly, levels have no real meaning in GW.
Tanks can tank. And they can get around 1500 health without really trying hard.
Of course, more health means tank will go down faster than a caster if you don't use proper skills. Skills is what makes a warrior, not HP. And for most purposes, they are either damage dealers or tanks. Never both.
And grinding low level mobs doesn't work. That's hardly surprising. Busting your A.. is wrong way to play a game. Unlike WoW, EQ and similar games, where you run into a group, start a macro and watch the xp fly, levels have no real meaning in GW.