Me and my brother in the same household has been having extreme lag. I've tried everything. I upgraded my internet, got a new bloody router etc. Eventually I tried to even go to american server. Awe and amaze NO LAG AT ALL!
How come I as an european player lag on the european server and experience almost NO lag at all on american (besides som minor ping lag)
I'm not talking about small lag on euro, I'm talking about standing still having ur skills blink cause you clicked on them to be used and u can basically see your whole skillbar blinking as the skills were pressed to be used 5-10 seconds ago. That's the most extreme part. Other part is attacking 1 dude then trying to switch and it won't even switch. It just keeps attacking same target and following that target without switching. Can't move away or anything. Other lag includes running 500 metres just to realise you were lagging and in fact you haven't been running at all, you blink back to the exact same spot you were 500 metres ago.
Any explenation for this?
Extreme Lag on Euro server
I guess server overload, because when you're playing on Euro you're playing on hours when most people are on GuildWars. However, when you are on American you're almost on your own, because most Americans sleep when you are playing, or it's early in the morning there, so you're experiencing less lag because less people play.
Actually no, I've played both on days and on nights for 3 days in a row now. It's lagged like HELL. Before that I've had medium lag for a week or two but it started to get worse now.
I played gvg with my guild yesterday, some of them swedish like me and on euro server. They had no lag at all, only I had.
Also I would like to point out that the gw server has kicked me out repeatedly for trying to identify 3 items at once. Just clicking to id one, it lags takes some time ok sure, click on another and another, oom disco! Before I even have 1 of them Id'd.
I played gvg with my guild yesterday, some of them swedish like me and on euro server. They had no lag at all, only I had.
Also I would like to point out that the gw server has kicked me out repeatedly for trying to identify 3 items at once. Just clicking to id one, it lags takes some time ok sure, click on another and another, oom disco! Before I even have 1 of them Id'd.
I' ve been lagging a lot too recently, last couple of days on Euro server.
American server has been lagging a lot today. Its gotten so bad I had to log out because I couldnt move, quests were failing because I couldnt keep x person alive, etc.
Warrior Of The Toon
Yeah I've noticed alot more lag recently.
It's not necessarily the GW servers.
Could be your route to the euro server that is lagging.
I play on both American and Euro servers and haven't noticed any unusual lag lately.
Could be your route to the euro server that is lagging.
I play on both American and Euro servers and haven't noticed any unusual lag lately.
My friends told me it can be the way my ISP routes to euro. But its not "occasional lag" on the euro server. It's constant UNPLAYABLE lag. I can't stress enough to say how bad it is. I played during all hours and it was the same. I'm playing on american peak hours now and I'm perfectly fine.
I've never experienced any lag ever. I got the game last week and played every day on Euro, never any lag. Could it be your ISP or something bottle-necking your access to the Euro server but not the US server?
Yes that is one possibility, but I don't want to rush ahead and change my ISP. A guildmember advised me to do a trace to the anet servers but I can't find their IP anywhere.
That would really help to see if that's where the problem lies or not.
That would really help to see if that's where the problem lies or not.
Did you send Anet a mail asking for their IP, and why you want it?
The Silver Star
Lag and rubber-banding especially are awfull right now.