Uw/fow Drops..
Captain Arne Is PRO
Do the drops from UW and FoW come inscribable now?
Nope. Maybe if you come from the NF equivalent of ToA. But not from the actual ToA.
Xenex Xclame
No, even tho UW and FoW do not belong to any chapter, inscriptions and insignias are only in elona.
No, even if you enter from the Chantry of Secrets. FoW/UW is a core area, therefore Elona's inscriptions do not apply.
notably rare, but 'some' fow/uw skinned items do drop from torment realms and menzies as well as from margonite (aka margerinite - 'cuts like buttah') chests near menzies. Possibly also from terror/tortureweb dryders in the gates of pain mission (not self confirmed). These items ARE inscription ready. There are confirmed reports of at least eternal shields, possibly other skins as well.