missing money from stash


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


I logged onto my account today and when I went to my stash I was missing over 70k in money, nothing else is missing, and no one else has access to my account. Has anyone else noticed any gold glitches?




Join Date: May 2006

no big deal you just got hacked-!

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Unfortunatly sounds like you have been hacked. If their was a gold glitch the forums would be in uproar by now. Contact ArenaNet Support about this...they wont be able to replace your 70k but they could get whoever did it.

Are you sure you have not stored it on another character?.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Lords of Doom


Wow,you guys are sooo helpful. I am sure that there is a polite hacker out there who is taking just enough gold to satisfy their appetite for stealing. Her account still has 127k plat in it. Now why would someone go to all the trouble to hack her account and then leave over half of the gold that was in it. Not to mention the ectos. Come on guys lets not just jump on the wagon of "You got Hacked". It is simply a BS answer. And as far as not having a prior report of a glitch of this sort, there is always the first person to make the report. Hello. I know this player personally,so I have a little more information as to the particulars. And yes my first assumption would be "Hacked",however I see her account daily and can attest to the fact that she has no chance of a keylogger or any other malicious software being in her machine. And by the way try to put yourself in her place. She came here for help, and the previous posts offer NONE. Come on guys Guru is about helping eachother not just being doom-sayers. Just my thoughts and not intended to make people mad,just to make them think.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Northeast USA

Guilded Rose


I havent noticed any issues with cash or items in my storage



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Courtney PantsuLand

Death By Teazu [TEA]


I'm betting you left it on another character.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


ok, all i can say is check all of your characters. 9 times out of 10, when someone comes here and says they are missing items or gold, it turns out it was on another toon, they sold it, or they spent more on something then they thought. heck, just yesterday someone came in here and screamed that his green daggers had magically transformed into a random pair of white daggers. turns he had given them to his warrior and forgot about it.

check all of your toons. no way you were hacked, and i seriously doubt it was a glitch.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


You could have trade it for something else last nigth. (Like buying something for 70k) or put it on other toons. Check those first and if you don't see 70k on you than i would suggest changing your password and be glad that the hackers didn't do more than just taking your money.

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


If you weren't hacked these are the only possibilities:
1) You bought something and forgot.
2) You put it on another character.
3) You gave it to someone.
4) Some uberzomgbbqwtfwthholyfreaking%$&@ glitch by ANet.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by B/P_Ranger
and no one else has access to my account.

Originally Posted by pctech65
however I see her account daily and can attest to the fact that she has no chance of a keylogger or any other malicious software being in her machine.
Ok besides that, you tell us not to jump to conclution to say she got hacked yet you jump to the conclution theres a bug in GuildWars that only affects her?
Wait wait wait! dont post and say thats not what you meant,You are posting the same way about their being a bug as the previous posters were about her getting hacked.

Never say never.

You know why i think people just post simple answer like " you got hacked"
Its because we have no proof that she ( or anyone else that post they lost something here) that they did indeed have that missing item.
Heck i could post tomorrow that i log in and im missing my urgozz longbow my dragos bow , my 5 sets of FoW armor my 750 Ectos my dwarven axe req 8 ( all which i didnt really have) and see what reactions the forums give me just for laughs.

I know your gonna say this is not what your friend is doing, but to tell you the truth we dont care,we cant help you.
The best we can do is try to believe you, and say we feel sorry for you, but does that help you in any way?
No it doesnt, other then that of course we are gonna say what anyone would try out before they posted here ( or should) look on other characters look in storage, think if you bought or gave away something or mayeb that you trashed it, but those are all things you would have done before,posting here isnt it?

Now if your really really sure you didnt do any of the above you should contact Anet not us, theres nothing we can do, theres nothing they can do either , theyll check it and if you did get hacked and they got the hackers info they might ban the person,but you wont get your items back, so yeah the person gets banned but you still lose out.

I hope your money is indeed on another character.

Sorry, thats sadly how it is.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



no gold glitches here.

I don't understand how this works though...

Originally Posted by B/P_Ranger
...and no one else has access to my account.
and then..

Originally Posted by pctech65
Her account still has 127k plat in it.
I see her account daily and can attest to the fact that she has no chance of a keylogger or any other malicious software being in her machine
the only conclusion I can draw is that you two either visit each other or live together.

most likely though, if "stash" = storage, then it's highly probable that the money was withdrawn onto another character and forgotten about, or spent and forgotten about.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by pctech65
I see her account daily and can attest to the fact that she has no chance of a keylogger or any other malicious software being in her machine.
Well, for someone with a name like 'pctech' you should know that you don't need any malicious software at all on her machine to hack the account.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


Reading all the comments.. no, I didn't loose any money, though a gold axe went missing on me and the best explanation I can come up with is that I stupidly merchanted it.. not that I remember doing so, but the damn thing is nowhere to be found.

Currently, I'm blaming my stupidity, but I woulda loved to be able to see the logs of what I sold to the merchant (I know, impossible) to see if there was something odd about my memory or about my account...

Missing 70k of gold is of course, something you can't just merchant.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Ascalon Union


LOL. I guess you two can sort it out by yourselves.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Thanks, appreciate all the help. No the gold isn't on another character, no I didn't just blow it, and then forgot about it.
I didn't post asking for anyone to feel sorry for me, I didn't post in attempt to get the gold back, I posted sincerely asking if anyone else had this issue, nothing more.

As far as pctech knowing exactly what is in my stash? Yes he is in the same room as me, he is my husband. And that being said, me being the wife of a tech, I am more than aware of how accounts can be hacked, and I have not exposed my game account, or my machine to those methods.

No need for further speculation from all of you, I will report solely to anet about this and any further issues that may arise, and leave you all to your own.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



I am sorry if i sounded rude to you B/P_Ranger.
Most of the others answered your question and gave help to you be telling you what they would was wrong.

Its just your husband posting after 2 post of people saying what they think happen, yes they didnt answer your question, but i think you can guess that it was no.

I hope for you that some very very weird glitch has happend with only you that is anets fault , and you will get your gold back.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

its common in hacking not to take everything. so they possiably won't notice.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

[DoA] - The Darknights of Ascalon


Originally Posted by Fluffyx
I'm betting you left it on another character.
That is my first guess. Check all your characters, PvE/PvP, did you buy something and just forget? (Weapons, armor, runes..ect)?



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


@lg5000 - you most likely sold the item above the gold axe to the merchant, experienced that over long pause we sometimes get and unthinkingly clicked a second time on the Sell button - goodbye gold axe.

It's happened to me several times. Now I rearrange my inventory, burying my "keep" items behind collector drops, before I go near the merchant. It's too easy to get distracted.

On Topic - To answer your question, I have not lost any money from my storage or my characters.

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


I thought guildwars have "Uber" protection and yet they still get their accounts hacked???????????



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

hehe could be that your brother who also plays needed the gold to buy his armor and decided to take some from you while you were sleeping. thats my story at least



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Darcy
@lg5000 - you most likely sold the item above the gold axe to the merchant, experienced that over long pause we sometimes get and unthinkingly clicked a second time on the Sell button - goodbye gold axe.

It's happened to me several times. Now I rearrange my inventory, burying my "keep" items behind collector drops, before I go near the merchant. It's too easy to get distracted.

On Topic - To answer your question, I have not lost any money from my storage or my characters.
Yup, my money is on the merchant.. stupid thing is, I have a screenshot of it in storage because I was going.. I did put it up for auction... and 48 hours later there is no trace of it. I admit, I had been cleaning my invent though... gah, I feel stupid!


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



When my husband has mysteriously missing dyes, guess where they went......



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006

Warrior Nation[WN]

I've been buying alot of runes lately and more than a few times I've gone into my bags to start applying them and they're not there. My gold is still gone but I have no runes. So either there's some new flaw in the game or someone found a new way to hack.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by B/P_Ranger
I am more than aware of how accounts can be hacked, and I have not exposed my game account, or my machine to those methods.
You don't use the email address for Guild Wars for anything else do you? Have you sent any messages to anyone with the email address you use for Guild Wars? Once they have that and know you play Guild Wars it's not difficult for a determined scrotebag to figure your password out.

Then again you say you're fully aware, so you wouldn't have actually used the same email address would you?

Holly Herro

Holly Herro

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Blades of the Dingo [AUST]

Could have had it on a toon then deleted the toon and forgot?

Trophy Hunter

Trophy Hunter

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Guys 2 months ago i was mising 15k, and i am sure because i had run out of cash these day :P Also got a message "Cant log in because you are already connected" if i remember right. Immediately changed password and from that time all are ok. In case that someone is paranoid about theft use print screen to be sure about the cash and the stacks of items "especially if you collect black dyes "
I have also heard that people find items destroyed(salvaged) in their storage and claim that its a bug of the game... its obvious what happened, someone logged on, took the item and left garbage so that the user thinks that its an error.
"Customization of items is not mainly for the +20% damage but to protect them from the greedy merch :P "

For users there are 5 things to do
a)If you are 100% sure that something is missing report it.
b)Report all users that commit violations in-game to minimize the ingame jerks.
c)Change Password often
d)Dont use bots and especialy the stupid toolbars in browsing windows

For Anet there is 1 thing to do
a)Allow a login-logger (time of connection to server and duration) so that the user by just looking at it can spot the intrusion in just a sec and figure what happened

Thanks Anet for that great game - its up to us to make it better

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

well, thats what happened to me 1 day:

deleted mule, while a guildie was holding items that couldnt fit in storage. made pVP toon, we all went to HA, gg...

then i take back the items with the pvp toon and log off for the night. next day log on, decide to play with a pvp build in AB... delete the pvp toon, make anouther etc

i was woundering for over 3 days where did all those greens and materials go...

is it possible something like this happened to you?




Join Date: Oct 2006


Its Gi [Joe]


I once deleted 10k on a pvp char, may not sound much but for someone like me it is.