Back after a little abscence, I submit for your wallpapering pleasure, my Faith wallpapers. Included are the original Wide-Screen Faith, because noone makes widescreen wallpapers, and a scaled-down 1024-768 for the masses. Also, as an added bonus is a play on the Faith widescreen. Enjoy!
Widescreen 1440x900
Standard 1024x768
Bonus Widescreen 1440x900
For those that requested it:
Favor Standard 1024x768
Yes, I know I promised to make a necro a while back... And I swear I started it. I still have the psd somewhere... Sorry, school kept me busy. I even quit playing for a couple of months. I'll get back on it soon.
New Gods Wallpapers
Ulivious The Reaper
think it'd be to hard to make a non widescreen of the "Got Favor? one
other than that they're good ^^
other than that they're good ^^
holy cow.. nice
lmao love the got favor one, and definatly a big yey for widescreen!!!
just open it in paint/PS and add white to the top and bottom until is reaches a res that fits.
Well if people like it that much, I'll just make and standard res one tonight. I originally wanted to do the widescreen versions because you never see them anywhere.