hard for a pvp guild?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


So i ve just started a pvp based guild...splitted one guild in2 pvp and pve but i find it hard to recruit good players.Is ii easier to make a pve guild?Anyway i am an exp leader and player in pvp I have over 300k balth faction but don t seem to find good players that want to join a small pvp based guild.Any suggestions?

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


its normally better to have either a pve or PVP not both, the recuriting is hard try to get freinds to join and ask players u play with and think r gd.

Its not normaly the best to spam in districts although it can work some ways if u dont mind kicking the not so gd players who u get.




Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Dayton, Ohio USA

Cellmates xCMx


if your playing with the smae guys/girls all the time ask them and have rank 3 or 6+ to get in or if your r9+ then have that but the idea is so that player that know how to play get in and the ohter don't.

Lady Callingwell

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Lightning Strikes Twice [LST]


Just start out recruiting friendly people and eventually you will get those becoming better and a solid team forms from that; you cannot expect to be a toppvpguild out of nothing (unless of course you were made out of a few other guilds, but that doesnt seem to be the thing).


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

having the same prob as u man..i get alot of guild hoppers..and for pvp ppl most dont really know much bout it and are not patient enuff to learn.

i myself started learning pvp stuff on my own by lookin at replays and reading around abit...

maybe if you wan to ally with my guild we could GVG togather?



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by tytons
having the same prob as u man..i get alot of guild hoppers..and for pvp ppl most dont really know much bout it and are not patient enuff to learn.

i myself started learning pvp stuff on my own by lookin at replays and reading around abit...

maybe if you wan to ally with my guild we could GVG togather?
like having two empty guilds together?
better to make one guild then together, should you move this way...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


YEah we could do gvg I went back to my old guild as a pvp officer and we don t have a good alliance at the moment with mature players!

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


so you have alrdy given up =/ great....

Sample Attack

Sample Attack

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Lordz of War


I will start a guild If I have 7 good players want to join ..... I dont' like HA anymore , little PvE, schedule gvG...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


I didn t give up I am pvp officer in my old guild,decided to help train ppl that are interested in pvp.I found it hard to recruit good ppl in my new started pvp guild....i ve talked with some ranked and everything was fine until i said to them that the guild consists of 2 ppl!i ve pm over 20 ranked ppl that were interested in joining a pvp but none of them wanted to join a new formed guild, i ve only managed to recruit some ppl that made for the first time a pvp char!so that s why but still i am looking to split our guild in pve and pvp but when i will find some core ppl that aren t afraid to stick with me and make a good mature pvp guild cause it s hard to star it and get ppl experienced,mature and most important loyal...ppl that will stick with u if u loose u re first gvg match for example....ppl that will stick with u even if the guild is small....is that an utopia?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Mythriel u could join my guild n help me train n recruit if u wish..i do agree with u..ppl tend to say ok ok n all but when they realise theres some effort n work to put into making a guild they just butt off...every 1 wana join an establish guild but not 1 is willing to work to make 1...funny eh?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Earls Cendr??e [TEA]

Speaking as a co-founder of a PvP/GvG guild, I'd have to agree that starting a new guild is far from easy. Attracting people is difficult in itself, attracting the ones that you want on the team is even harder.

The best tip I can offer is to not expect instant gratification. If the people you approach are not willing to build a guild with you, then they are the wrong kind of people. Move on and try again.

Expect most people with experience in GvG to be supremely uninterested in joining your guild unless you yourself are known as a good player - "Top 100 experience" on your resume means nothing, your name has to be known. It is usually more realistic to try to attract people starting out with PvP and then grow in skill together, hopefully attracting more like-minded people as you do.

That said - Forming and leading a guild is not for the faint of heart. It takes effort and time. There will be e-drama. There will be streaks of losses. There will be guildhoppers. There will be times you just want to quit the guild yourself. If you are not willing to face this, try joining an existing team instead.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


ok so i pm some friends that i patyed togheter in hoh many times and won hoh with them but none wanted to put some hard work....even so getting some ranked ppl to join it s not easy.For example it s not easy to party if u re party is rank3 and u try to invite a rank7+ kinda hard that he will accept so inviting and getting these kinda ppl into making a new founded guild is far from hard.Only go in HA,TA,RA,or temple of balthazar and see how many pvp guilds are recruiting...established pvp guilds with 30+ members and top 200 all ready so if u are a rank6 for example u would join my guild and be the 2nd member and make some efforts into developing a good pvp team or just join a 30+ members established guild that does HA and gvg daily?The problem is as i saw a topic here 'no good players' and it s kinda true...not many good players now in GW most of them they are already in a guild.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

From my impression of you on these forums, I can see why people wouldn't be interested in joining your guild...

1. First of all, your posts are a block of text consisting of run-on sentences. Being able to articulate yourself is one of the basic qualities if you want to lead anything. How are you going to focus your guild if you can't even coherently spell out what you're trying to do?

2. Maybe it's just a result of the above, but I really have no idea what you're trying to do with your guild. HA? GvG? Alliance battles? A guild needs to be focused around something. PvP guilds usually start out in either HA or GvG and later on move on to other areas.

3. 300k Balthazar faction doesn't really make you an experienced PvPer... perhaps, instead of trying to start your own guild you should hop into HA and see if some mid-level guild is recruiting, join them and learn something? Those guilds would probably ask for ranked players, but a) you could either convince them you're good, and ask for a tryout or b) farm your bambi in one weekend with heroway.

Good luck with getting into advanced PvP, but starting your own guild isn't the best way to do it IMO.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


First of all i m into advanced pvp and second if u have any exp in making a guild or recruiting ppl u should know that first of all when u start a pvp guild u first go and train in TA when u have around 6 ppl for example...after some training in TA and after u recruit more ppl u do HA when u have about 10 members.U can t jump right away into gvg when u just start a guild, well if u did this that s probably i didn t saw u re name in some top guild battle.And that s why I don t join a pvp guild cause there will always be 14 years old kids like u in those guilds that are annoying!



The Hotshot

Join Date: May 2006


International District [id???]

Originally Posted by Mythriel
First of all i m into advanced pvp and second if u have any exp in making a guild or recruiting ppl u should know that first of all when u start a pvp guild u first go and train in TA when u have around 6 ppl for example...after some training in TA and after u recruit more ppl u do HA when u have about 10 members.U can t jump right away into gvg when u just start a guild, well if u did this that s probably i didn t saw u re name in some top guild battle.And that s why I don t join a pvp guild cause there will always be 14 years old kids like u in those guilds that are annoying!
You ask for advice here, and when someone reliable from a reputable guild tries to help, you act arrogant?

Excellent way to solicit help.

And BTW, your post is wrong.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


I pretty much echo Alleji.

- You are unable to communicate.

- You have absolutly no idea what you are trying to do with your guild.

- You have absolutly no idea about PvP in general, as evidenced by your statements about needing 6 members to TA, and 10 to HA. You have 300 Balthazar Faction, good for you. This doesn't really say very much about you, though, aside from the fact that you have played enough of some form of PvP to get 300k Balthazar Faction. For all we know you could have, and most probably did earn most of it or it all of it from sub level 20 arenas, Alliance Battles, or Random Arenas.

My suggestions to you are the following, I would highly reccomend that you join an established guild, although it seems that you will not do this... Because of that, I suggest that you do the following:

- Build a Friends list. Add good players, or simply likable players to your Friends list after you play with them. Build a network of Friends, then recruit them.

- Make a post at Team iQ. (www.team-iq.net/fourms) You probably won't find too many people there willing to join your guild, but you may find some low end players if you're lucky.

- Use community resources like Guild Wars Guru(PvP section), and Team iQ to learn more about PvP. You clearly do not have a very firm grasp on it at this point in time.

- Watch matches on Observer mode. Try to figure out why teams make the strategic calls in matches that they do. Try to figure out which tactics worked, which ones didn't, and why.

- Learn to communicate effectively. You will never ammount to anything in Guild Wars, - or in life for that matter - if no one has any idea what you are saying. Infact, people will probably just ignore you instead of trying to understand what you're saying, because they label you as an idiot, and as such not worth their time. Not saying that you are an idiot, of course, just that in this thread you have demonstrated your inability to communicate and the fact you know almost nothing about PvP, but think you know alot.

If you decide to dismiss my suggestions, as you have dismissed similar suggestions already, I will ask you to answer the following questions:

1) What PvP guilds have you been in? What mode of PvP were they geared to(GvG/HA/TA), and for any GvG guilds, what was the highest rank they achieved?

2) What PvP titles do you currently have?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


yeah sure i ll do so thx for u re advice


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Holland ftw



maybe it is an idea to post your new guild in the 'introduce your guild' thread. That way people can see your guild and what you wanna do with it. And if they wanna join they can pm you.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

im not a leader of a guild, but i can tell you only 1 thing:




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I agree with Zui here (and others with the same statement) First off all, decide what u wanna do with your guild. a "PvP" guild is a very wide understanding. Ta, RA, HA, GvG is all PvP so make a choice of field where u wanna specialize in.
When u have that settled, start (or continue) competing in that arena to a) get better yourself b) understand builds c) getting to know tactics d)make friends and build a friendslist of capable, experienced players.

And as others alrdy said, 300k isnt much and isnt really a reference. Try to join an established mid level guild to evolve and learn.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Mythriel
First of all i m into advanced pvp and second if u have any exp in making a guild or recruiting ppl u should know that first of all when u start a pvp guild u first go and train in TA when u have around 6 ppl for example...after some training in TA and after u recruit more ppl u do HA when u have about 10 members.U can t jump right away into gvg when u just start a guild, well if u did this that s probably i didn t saw u re name in some top guild battle.And that s why I don t join a pvp guild cause there will always be 14 years old kids like u in those guilds that are annoying!
Make more arbitrary assumptions please. That's the way to success.

i didn t saw u re name in some top guild battle
Look harder.

Really, I don't know if it's funny or sad when people flame me for constructive criticism and call me a 14 year-old kid when I have my age in the public profile. That sure makes you look smart! Keep it up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Hoser Down[HD]

Originally Posted by Mythriel
First of all i m into advanced pvp and second if u have any exp in making a guild or recruiting ppl u should know that first of all when u start a pvp guild u first go and train in TA when u have around 6 ppl for example...after some training in TA and after u recruit more ppl u do HA when u have about 10 members.U can t jump right away into gvg when u just start a guild, well if u did this that s probably i didn t saw u re name in some top guild battle.And that s why I don t join a pvp guild cause there will always be 14 years old kids like u in those guilds that are annoying!
1. Quite difficult to understand what your saying due to run ons, spelling errors, etc... (doesnt quite make people want to join).
2. Difficult to make a decent pvp guild without a extensive friend network or at the very least some information about why you are experienced in pvp. 300,000 balthazar faction does not say much (for example I made around 350k balthazar faction this season from gvg alone).


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Looking for Guild


Originally Posted by Mythriel
yeah sure i ll do so thx for u re advice
If that is the way you communicate on these forums and in game, then I doubt people take you seriously.

Anyways, good luck.