Question on Scythe attacks



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Defected back to America


Hi, quick question on Scythe attacks. Here's a quote from GuildWiki:

Each attack strikes primary target and up to 2 additional targets within adjacent range.
Does this apply to regular attacks or attack skills or both?

Thanks in advance!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by milias
Hi, quick question on Scythe attacks. Here's a quote from GuildWiki:

Does this apply to regular attacks or attack skills or both?

Thanks in advance!
If i'm understanding you correctly your refering to attacking without usage of a skill and attack with use of a skil?

If so you can only hit 3 foes maxium either way... However some dervish skills such a 'Chilling Victory'

If it hits, this attack strikes for + 5-20 damage. Whenever it hits a foe who has less Health than you, all adjacent foes are struck for + 5-50 cold damage
Say you had a group of 5 monsters adjacent to you... The 5-20 will only hit 3 enemies where as the 5-50 will hit ALL adjacent foes if they have less health than you. So your still only hitting 3 foes with yourscythe at the end of the day i guess...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Defected back to America


Yea, that's what I meant. Isn't that a bit overpowered, though? That's like having constant Barrage or Cyclone Axe >.<

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by milias
Yea, that's what I meant. Isn't that a bit overpowered, though? That's like having constant Barrage or Cyclone Axe >.<
Except both of the mentioned skills can hit more targets and have less position limitations.

Unless you are just surrounded (like your tanking in PvE) you'll hardly ever hit multiple targets with a scythe attack, just because of how restrictive it is with your positioning.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


actually the scythe hits foes adjacent to youre target so if 1 enemy is standing next to youre target and 1 behind you you'll only hit 2



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Defected back to America


Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Except both of the mentioned skills can hit more targets and have less position limitations.

Unless you are just surrounded (like your tanking in PvE) you'll hardly ever hit multiple targets with a scythe attack, just because of how restrictive it is with your positioning.
Well, that's true, but there're many other benefits to this too, like additional adrenaline and energy (with a Zealous mod) gain. I mean, compare this to a hammer, except for the knockdown skills, the Scythe is superior to a hammer in every way. That can't be balanced now, can it?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


Scythe attacks used to hit EVERYTHING adjacent to you. I can understand why that was changed when I was able to solo a large group of enemies in just a few attacks. The cap limit at 3 is a good adjustment. But yeah, when you attack regularly or with a skill such as crippling strike, up to 3 adjacent enemies will be effected.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by milias
Well, that's true, but there're many other benefits to this too, like additional adrenaline and energy (with a Zealous mod) gain. I mean, compare this to a hammer, except for the knockdown skills, the Scythe is superior to a hammer in every way. That can't be balanced now, can it?
Scythe's have a lower minimum dmg to compensate for the higher Max. But they also don't use Adrenal attacks so Wild Blow Spammage to exploit that higher max is possible. The Scythe attacks have good recharge/costs and alot of them have faster than normal attack speeds so dmg wise they are better, but they lack ANY real utility to the attacks past some Elite conditional Deep Wound and some crippling.

This is supposed to be their balance.

The reason Dervishes are popular is that their enchantments are great, and Elites like some of the avatars are worth having a dervish for alone.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by milias
Well, that's true, but there're many other benefits to this too, like additional adrenaline and energy (with a Zealous mod) gain.
I really, really want to find a Zealous mod for a scythe to experiment with...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by GranDeWun
I really, really want to find a Zealous mod for a scythe to experiment with...
It works very well