Better to salvage or buy?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

(I'm primarly talking about regular materals, not rare.)

I've been trying to figure out what's better this past week but I'm still dead in the middle. The amount salvaged from each weapon varies (EXCLUDING "highly salvagable"). But I'm wondering if it's better to ID each weapon (so you can sell it for more), cash it in, and buy it from the materals trader (that way, you get 10 per buy no matter what).

GENERALLY, is one better than the other?

Just needed your guy's and gal's 2 cents. Thanks!

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.



It really depends on what it salvages into. if it's low price, salvage. high price, sell.

If what you want is a high price at the merch. Salvage.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


I'd personally say salvage. ESPECIALLY with the new materials tab in storage. I had saved up over 50k in common and rare materials at one point. I've used most of them on armours and sold the rest as I didn't feel I'd need them.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

At the very least, salvage to fill up the materials tab so you have a stock on hand for when needed. If you can afford to do so, use expert salvage for everything for that shot at rare materials.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


My rule of thumb is this.... IF worth over 100g after IDing it I sell to merchant...If less I salvage....seems to work for me :P


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



I think what he is trying to ask is if salvaging in Nightfall is worth it. I too have seen that salvaging nets you very little compared with the other two campaigns. Long gone are the days of getting 30-60 mats from one item (since now I only seem to get 1-5). I would go buy the mats from the merch, and always ID and sell items to the merch. But this is just what I observe (that and for some reason, I'm having trouble guessing WHAT material the item will salvage into, so trying to get one material might be a little touch and go for a while).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


For armor I always expert salvage if over 25 in value. For weapons I only salvage the 'highly salvagable' ones and sell off the rest. I usually always have enough mats (both reg and rare) to get what I need. If you need lots of a particular mat for armor then I would say merch the weapons and buy the mats from other players as that will always be a better-than-trader price and much faster than salvaging on your own.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Coridan
My rule of thumb is this.... IF worth over 100g after IDing it I sell to merchant...If less I salvage....seems to work for me :P
that's a nice rule. i like that. thanks!

Originally Posted by Darkobra
I'd personally say salvage. ESPECIALLY with the new materials tab in storage. I had saved up over 50k in common and rare materials at one point. I've used most of them on armours and sold the rest as I didn't feel I'd need them.
that's nice to know! andi forgot to that you get luxon totems, trade contracts, secret scribes, etc etc etc to exchange for kits, it's almost like getting them for free so you save even more (rather than paying 2K for each salvagin kit).

Originally Posted by Jade_Onyx
I think what he is trying to ask is if salvaging in Nightfall is worth it. I too have seen that salvaging nets you very little compared with the other two campaigns. Long gone are the days of getting 30-60 mats from one item (since now I only seem to get 1-5). I would go buy the mats from the merch, and always ID and sell items to the merch. But this is just what I observe (that and for some reason, I'm having trouble guessing WHAT material the item will salvage into, so trying to get one material might be a little touch and go for a while).
i just wanted to make sure i wasn't loosing money. selling and salvaging all the small weapons and what not really add up in the long run!

i really appreciate the inputs. thanks again!


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

I personally haven't salvaged much for materials. It just doesn't seem efficient to me - you spend quite a bit of gold on a salvage kit so that you can get, say, 3 wood planks from a weapon you could have sold for 40 gold. I don't see how it's worth it. Of course if you're looking for a large amount of a certain material, you might as well salvage things that you know turn into that material, but if I'm not searching for anything and just want to make the most profit, I almost always sell.