Gen question and party question.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

My friends and I are thinking about grabbing this game up to play over the holidays and I have a few basic questions. Is this the guild wars title that I should be getting or should I be getting factions or the original title? Also, since myself and two others are planning on getting this and playing together in a party, What is a good mix of primary and secondary professions that we should be for the three of us to get the maximum potentional out of our party. Thank you very much.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Since Nightfall is the latest chapter and offers a lot of nice new features, I would highly reccommend starting there. The majority of the player base is active in NF at the moment and you'll have access to heroes.

Since you will have access to hero monks in NF and won't need to rely on the henchies for healing, I think a nice well-rounded party will give you one "tank" type character (Warrior or Dervish with an Avatar) and one ranged character (Ranger or Paragon) and one spellcaster (I would go Necromancer or Elementalist). Everyone needs monk secondary to res the henchies when they get stupid.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Nightfall is the latest title and so has the most activity in it so may be the best bet. Make sure you all buy the same title as each one has a different continent to adventure on.

Really, play what you enjoy. With 3 human players you shouldn't have any trouble and can use either heroes or henchmen to fill out the rest of the team or invite random players to join you when needed. Even if all 3 of you end up playing the same profession you'll do well. Using monk as a 2nd offers a reusable rez so is never a bad idea.

Don't overlook the value of a good guild though, having that community available for help, chatting, whatever, makes the game better.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


Hrm tough question. My breakdown of the seris is this. 1st campaing (prophecies) is the easiest of the chapters to learn the game and is fairly indepth. The only problem is that it takes quite a long time to get to lvl 20.

Factions although i don't have it seems to be a fairly short "pve" game and is quick to lvl and be able to explore high end areas. Although it doesn't teach you the way the game works like the orifinal does. (again the stuff about factions is second hand)

Nightfall is pretty easy to lvl and teaches you the game pretty well as well. And of course its where everyone is at. So in my opinion you should get NF since there is more interaction with other players....

But if u aren't worried about other players and just want to play with your friends i would suggest getting Prophecies since u don't have to be rich inorder to gain new skills etc...(the skills in factions and NF cost about 1000g each after a short period of time)

All in all i still say get NF cuz the heros rock the PVP and PVE rock and the amount of people that are all playing way out ways the other 2 campaigns although Prophecies will always be my personal favorites.

hrm ramble ramble ramble... sorry if any of this is redundant(sp)

Oh far as primary and secondaries I would suggest playing around with the different combonations and don't be afraid to delete and recreate or what have you ...atleast if u are lower than say lvl then you kind of get a feel for what you can do in the game.