inscriptions: +armor?
Canadian Bacon
Do the inscriptions that give +armor work only for the piece to which they are applied? Or is it global? I always forget!
One piece. The piece you put it on.
Ah, do you mean insignias or inscriptions?
Ah, do you mean insignias or inscriptions?
Canadian Bacon
Originally Posted by zelira
One piece. The piece you put it on.
Ah, do you mean insignias or inscriptions? |
Canadian Bacon
It's local. Armor bonuses on armor pieces have always been local with the exception of one, which has since been fixed.
Batou of Nine
The insignias that add conditional health are obviously direct affect...In essence, global.
The insignias that add armor, are locational specific, and are NOT global. You put a +10 armor vs physical dmg on your chestpiece, then ONLY your chest has this added protection.
So in short, Yes insignias ONLY apply to the piece of armor you add it to.
EDIT: DOH! i was beat while typing this... lol
The insignias that add armor, are locational specific, and are NOT global. You put a +10 armor vs physical dmg on your chestpiece, then ONLY your chest has this added protection.
So in short, Yes insignias ONLY apply to the piece of armor you add it to.
EDIT: DOH! i was beat while typing this... lol
Caelus The Fallen
Originally Posted by Savio
It's local. Armor bonuses on armor pieces have always been local with the exception of one, which has since been fixed.