1. As of today, there is no restriction on the amount of time you can play WoW in China. Before anyone says any BS about this, let me explain something to you. I live in China. I played Wow until level 60 .(when, as everyone knows, the game starts to suck big-time).. until about 2 months ago . And there are no time restrictions. Now, I play GW in the American district. This internet game restriction is sort of a scare thing...its like when the Man cracks down on pirate DVDs here... for about 3 days...and then everything goes back to normal.
2. GW may unfortunatly fail here. That can be because of a lot of factors including lack of marketing, or that the game just is not what Chinese gamers want. I don't know.
3. 9City sucks balls. They suck. They suck. They suck. Ask any Chiense WoW player. But ANet probably had to have a local partner in China, so no way around it.
4. As all internet traffic goes through The Great Firewall of China, the game may have problems connecting up with other countries. It may be that China gets an isolated version of the game. But this probably has very little to do with the government (other than the requiremnet for ANET to have a local partner) and a lot to do with the business model.
5. I should probably switch to the European district, as they seem to alway have favor at my playing times, which is after 9PM, BEIJING TIME. So if anyone loses out in their Favor IF GW becomes popular here, its Europe, not US. (accept maybe on the weekends).
6. Just to clarify for some of you people... I doubt many people can tell the difference between Korean, Japanese, and Chinese writing. I don't even know if your computers would display 2-bit characters, and so all you probably see are random meaningless character names. As my computer OS is Simplified (PRC) Chinese, and I have Japanese and Traditional Chinese (used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) installed (because I can read a little of both languages), I can tell the difference. And to date, I have never seen another Chinese (meaning mainland) player. I sometimes see Taiwanese, and sometimes Japanese.
Originally Posted by arcady
Get involved in any Chinese American community and you will quickly realize pressure is being put on them by China to conform to certain political stances. In San Francisco, which is majority Asian and heavily Chinese - we've had a couple of local fights and semi-scandals over attempts by China to get us to go after our own American Falun Gong members. They have managed to get them banned from the Chinese New Years parade, and just this last election a lot of money went into trying to remove one city council supervisor who was anti-China and who had said such objectionable things as 'America is a democracy and we make our own decisions.' They've managed to intimidate the 'Chinese Chamber of Commerce' and a few local Chinese-language newspapers into conforming to 'party demands'.
Their Consulate here keeps tracks on the local Chinese-ethnic American citizens to see if they are loyal or not, or pro-Taiwan instead....
I don't believe this for one second. I have lived in SF for a long time. Its 20% ethnic Chinese, of which the majority are 3rd generation. Their consolate does not have the manpower to track the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of ethnic Chinese in the bay area. Or the tens of thousands of TAIWANESE (most of whom could be assumed are in some way Pro-Taiwan...whatever that means).
Originally Posted by arcady
China is a communist country, or at least a single-party totaltarian capitalist state. and a lot of people who care only about $ and nothing about rights have a lot of interest in getting us all to forget that, but we just spent the last century opposing communism, and we did it for a darn good reason.
China is not a totalitarian state. Read something about totalitarianism before you make such a claim.
Good reading on this subject can be found in the works of
Hannah Arendt
Carl Friedrich
And yes...I had to friggen use annomynizer to access Wiki because the Friggin Great Firewall of China blocks it. Friggin sucks balls because then I have to deal with porn popups for Japanese school-girls (my state-run ISP must know what type of porn I like)
Anyway, its also not communist...its socialist (again...whatever that means). But more rightly should be called an evolving technocratic capitalistic state with strong authoritarian and oligarchical elements. No one in China likes the government, but on the other hand, we in China generally don't like leaders who think the earth was created in a day and God sent his son to Earth to save people but those dirty Jews killed the son but the Jews are still the chosen people (head...explodes) and everything in the world is about this pursuit of freedom but if you do not pursue freedom in the same way with the same vigor as certain people then you're "Not With Us," and we should war against those who are bad (i.e. Not With Us", even if it creates alot of chaos and then setting up puppet governments that don't even govern well (how pathetic is that?) and then all forms of law break down and then ethnic violence and religeous intolerance spring up and ... uh... well you see where this is goin.