Help! I can't find the 15k elonian armor for paragons. Glitch?
chicks boy
I can't seem to find it... Guild wiki doesnt have it in the armor section either. Is this glitch?? Most of the male paragon armor shows their nipples and that's not how the hood goes. Not many armor for Paras hide their nipples. And how come there isnt a 15k Knights armor too??
Knightsaber Sith
If you want the armor that actually costs 15k; it's at the end of the final mission and in the sunspear command post. There isn't a 15k Knight's armor cause they didn't feel like making one.
The 15k sunspear has nipplage; but the 15k primeval doesn't

The 10k ancient armor might also work for ya
-pics from here
The 15k sunspear has nipplage; but the 15k primeval doesn't

The 10k ancient armor might also work for ya
-pics from here
chicks boy
Loki Seiguro
i like the ancient armor i was about to get sunspaer i believe but im not much for the mipplage either and i can't find any good combos for a differnnt chest but kee[ing the rest as sunspear 15k
Batou of Nine
Here's some useless facts...
15k Elonian armor doesn't exist.
LoL, as if that hasn't already been established here.
15k Elonian armor doesn't exist.
LoL, as if that hasn't already been established here.