Shield Modding Question



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Pink Clan [Pink]


Is anyone else unable to mod the handle of shields they aquired prior to the release of NF? Before the update, I purchased a Magmas Shield with a -2(stance) mod and a +43(enchanted mod). After the update, those mods would correspond to the core and the handle respectively. However, unlike most other weapons which were updated with inscriptions upon the release, I cannot mod the handle of the shield (switching out the +43(enchanted) for a +45(stance) handle.) Needless to say, I would really like to make that switch, as having a perfect Magmas Shield would be rather nice . So does anyone know a way to go about doing this or know anything about it, or will I simply have to wait for a-net to act in my favor, which of course is highly unlikely.


Sorry if I posted a question that has already been answered on the forum. I searched for "Sheild Mod" and all variations of those two words, and nothing usefull came up.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


However, unlike most other weapons which were updated with inscriptions upon the release
No weapons were updated with inscriptions >_>.

You cannot add Shield Handles to sheilds not dropped from Elona.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


Only items dropped in Elona can be modified with Inscriptions.

ALSO, as Former Ruling said: You can ONLY modify shields that drop in Elona. Shields from any other continent/chapter (ie Tyria or Cantha) canNOT be modified.

Redundancy FTW! Sorry i don't know why i had to be redundant... lol Former Ruling wins...




Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Pink Clan [Pink]


I realize that it is impossible to mod the shield, but does anyone know of any plans by a-net to update the game to allow these modifications to be done, or do they plan to leave it as is?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by Arabian_Night
I realize that it is impossible to mod the shield, but does anyone know of any plans by a-net to update the game to allow these modifications to be done, or do they plan to leave it as is?
I doubt they'll update it, it's sort of an incentive to buy Nightfall. If they added it to all the other games then it would be one less reason to buy NF for some people... and that isn't A-nets objective.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Pink Clan [Pink]


Yes, however all those of us who bought or found near perfect weapons from prophecies and factions are at a clear disadvantage. How does it promote the equality that guild wars possesses if the nf weapons have superior modding capabilites? A-net should really make the mod changes retroactive.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



They also said storage upgrade was Cantha only & then changed that close to NF release. I presume that closer to Ch4 release, they will allow some "retrofitting".