I have been using the /bonusitems bow from the GOTY edition, "poisonous nevermore flatbow", and after hearing about someone using the hammer bonus item and was able to add a grip to it, i tried adding a grip of marksmanship to this bow. It did not work, but now I can not equip the bow. Did I do something wrong?
I still have the proper attribute level.
My bow no longer works?
Scince the NF update, No Bonus items are upgradable.
They should Seriously Concider Changing that.
They should Seriously Concider Changing that.
Originally Posted by KoalaMeatPie
Scince the NF update, No Bonus items are upgradable.
They should Seriously Concider Changing that. |
Since the update, you can no longer equip items from the bonusitems command. Hopefully they're working on it.
Former Ruling
Sykoone - The command is /bonus now, not /bonusitems - /bonusitems will just give you a message telling you to type /bonus
EDIT: Eitherway, the no equipping things is a bug with the update I hear from other threads.
EDIT: Eitherway, the no equipping things is a bug with the update I hear from other threads.
Yea i'm not liking that either. I'd love having the option to upgrade the bonus items. For now tho i just hope to get the abilty to equip my items back.