Does purple color affect Skin rarity
Ferra Akata
Are purple Azure Recurve bows and short bows also valuable as they are also rare skin? I have both a recurve and shortbow of them, req9 but purple..
Squalus the Ipno
sure, there is a difference from purple and gold and azure bow is no more a rare skin
^agree^ with both points
Even with inscriptions a req 9 15^50 purple will still sell for significantly less than a req 9 15^50 gold. Despite having exactly the same skin and stats.
Even with inscriptions a req 9 15^50 purple will still sell for significantly less than a req 9 15^50 gold. Despite having exactly the same skin and stats.
azure bows arent rare, i usually end up selling them to merch even though i get like 5-6 gold ones a day..
^^ agree with all post above.... and imo purple are usually worth keeping or selling is if its a rare skin