The Better Offhand?
I can't decide which offhand to pursue for my Rt/Me. I need some more power in the communing department, but I can't decide between Quansong's Focus, or Sseer's Wish. While being similar, I can't make up my mind whether I would prefer the 30 health, or the HSR, also, I'm not sure what both items cost these days. Ideas anyone? BTW, this will be in combination with Vengeance Seeker primary wep. Thanks for any constructive input you may have.
You can get a communing focus from Sheco that is the equivalent of Quansongs:
Communing Focus
Energy +12 9 Communing
Communing +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
150 Hide
50 Dust
so don't pay more than than.
The straw effigy you get with an amulet of the mists has these stats:
Straw Effigy
Energy +12 9 Communing
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
There are some communing collector off-hands as well. I don't know that there is a whole lot of difference between them all. Guildwiki's collector list:
Communing Focus
Energy +12 9 Communing
Communing +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
150 Hide
50 Dust
so don't pay more than than.
The straw effigy you get with an amulet of the mists has these stats:
Straw Effigy
Energy +12 9 Communing
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
There are some communing collector off-hands as well. I don't know that there is a whole lot of difference between them all. Guildwiki's collector list:
Personally I would go for the +30 Health. I don't know really what sort of build you run, but when I go communing it's more often than not the Halves SKill Recharge is useless on Binding Rituals.
I think there are like 4 communing spells - and they're all a waste of skillbar on a spirit spammer (correct me if I'm wrong). So like Beaver said, get the +1 communing one. Or get the collector equivalent, which I farmed Kraken Spawns to get the eyes for (a much easier solo than Quansong imo).