Elite Mission Empty


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dragons Will Eat Your [Face]


Are there any PuGs in the Elite Mission Urgoz Warren? I went there and there were only 2 people there, both AFK. Is this normal?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

European servers


Did you try an international district?

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


The American districts have always been rather empty in my memory I would imagine now even ID1 is pretty quiet.

You probably don't want to Pug Urgoz anyway.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Welcome to the effect of Nightfall.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dragons Will Eat Your [Face]


Internation was completely empty with nobody in it. So, you have to get a group together from your alliance as a pug seems impossible?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Raiders of Gilead


As Arkantos said, Welcome to the effects of Nightfall.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Factions elite missions have too annoying restrictions. The only way to get there is by being in guild that owns it and is interested in doing it. PUGs won't form there anymore, unless it gets opened.

Which is considerable shame, given that those missions are quite well designed and offer decent challenge, but the barrier of entry is so high, it's simply impractical.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dragons Will Eat Your [Face]


Only have to get a ferry there. I dont see how thats hard?

Mr Jazzy

Mr Jazzy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Mending For The [win]


"Night has fallen."

Yeah, the nightfall campaign has attracted most of the attention, and if people are bored with that, they are most likely in GW:P .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Originally Posted by EatMoreCarbs
Only have to get a ferry there. I dont see how thats hard?
Look at it this way - can you eat an Ice cube in 2 hours? Of course, that's pretty simple, even very small kids can. Can you eat 5000 in 2 hours? Nope.

Sure you can get a ferry, it takes little effort. However to get a full district (or more) to get up random PUGS you end up with the ice cube scenario. Since that isn't going to happen some that can make it there without the ferry aren't going to bother to show up. Nor is someone going to sit around constantly doing nothing but ferrying people (even if it was a full time no waiting around job).

So, you get what we have now. When it was the "in" thing to do the alliances could hoard it, charge for entry, or ferry for free. Even then it wasn't *that* crowded. Now, oh well hope you are lucky to be in an alliance that owns the area otherwise the chances of getting in then getting a group up are pretty slim. With an elite area coming up that you only have to have beaten the game I suspect that it will be even more dead. The only way it will ever be populated again is if either there is a high gold rare skin that drops there or the elite Nightfall area sucks so much people will want to fight over control of it again.

Do not believe it? I suggest you go to one of the elite missions (by that trivial ferry) and join the teeming masses there.

At least I never really had interest in the area. But it should have been obvious that the system only works when you have enough people doing it. Just as if gaining favor ever becomes something people do not care about - it will either stay in one area for a LONG time or switch every little while as teams get bored waiting around. Thankfully, since it is PvP and anyone can enter, it will be hard for that to happen until the game is close to being retired (and maybe not even then).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cute And Fluffy in My Tummy

Cult Classic [CC]


What do you mean you can't PuG in The warren anymore?

I have been there thses past few days and killed urgoz a few times.

You just ahve to go there during the righ times (INT. Dist)

Good times are between 5-9pm Eastern (2-6pm Pacific)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Not everyone can play at that time.

So, how happy would you be if between 3:00-6:00 am eastern time it was simple? Not so much I would guess.

Like too many things posted here, think beyond yourself for an instance. Quite a few people work second or third shift and can not log in then.