I wonder... (About cartography title)


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

When a new area is added, and thus the world map has a new unexplored place, do Grandmaster Cartographers lose their percentages and title?

On one hand, that's the technically correct way, because once a new map is out, they no longer have the whole map explored and thus don't have the 100% required for title. On the other hand, it kinda sucks, since they worked so hard to earn the title, earned it, and now lose it through no fault of their own. They'll be pissed at the time when everyone else is happy about a new area.

Can someone verify what happens in this case? If this never happened since titles came out, I'm sure we'll have a case when the Big Update comes, unless it will only include torment-like places where map isn't permanently saved.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cute And Fluffy in My Tummy

Cult Classic [CC]


Anything That doesn't show on the World map does not count towards Cartography titles.

(Anything that when your press you, is fogged out each time you come back in)


Gun Pierson

Gun Pierson

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006




Well there were no titles yet at the time when we got the Shadow Furnace update with Grenth's footprint area. In case of the update, I think it will be in the torment like places type of area. We'll know soon.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



anguish will be in the torment area, which is not on the world map and doesnt count. Elv, I'm guessing you haven't been that far in the game which is why you don't know this.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

Actually, there is about 100.3% of a world map to explore. They give you a little slack. If they were to add an area to an existing world map (like the sorrow's furnace update), most cartographers would keep their title. Also, there are explorable areas outside the visibility of the areas on the map that count toward your cartography title. I believe Cantha has a total of ~102% explorable space because of this. (hint: You have to walk up the mountain of a town you control.)