question about glad point and fame
Hi, i was wondering if you get 10 rounds in a row in ra and you just quit rite after the games over without seing that you got a glad point, if you get it. same thing with fame. do you have to wait or does it automatically come?
... I have the urge not to answer you for the sake of not promoting leavers, but I'm fairly sure that as long as you wait for it to say that you've obtained the point, be it Fame or a Gladiator Point, you can leave after that.
It tells you when you get fame. Try getting some.
You get your Gladiator point at the same time you get the faction for winning the match.
You get your Gladiator point at the same time you get the faction for winning the match.
I get the feeling that you will not gain the point until it actually says 'You gain 1 Gladiator Point'.