Just to introduce myself to the community- I am Sithian and this is my first post. I used to play Ultima Online (played for 7 years, quit 2 years ago) and World of Warcraft (played for about 1 year). I grew bored with both of these games (I like to PvP plus I have major time restrictions) and I heard great things about Guild Wars, so I decided Id give Nightfall a try.
So I proceeded to load up the game. (I have a PC that I play Half Life 2 on, so I know my system can support Nightfall-2 GHz Pentium 4, ATI PCI 256 Radeon 9600, and 1 GB of Ram and plenty of Hard drive). Every time I open the Guild Wars icon, my game freezes at the introduction screen- no sound, no numbers on the upper right corner. Granted, I did get into the game briefly to create a toon and fool around, but I have not been able to log on since. Right now Im running a defrag, but I don't think it is going to make a difference.
Can anyone please help me get started- it would be greatly appreciated- I am looking forward to seeing what Guild Wars is all about!!

BTW- Im on Comcast NJ too-