screenie request: undyed male primeval 15k
Can anyone post clear screenies of this armor's front, back, and side undyed, for male? I haven't been able to find any detailed shots anywhere, and every ranger ingame runs away when I try to look at their armor Thanks.
Jeff Highwind
You want the mask included or not?
here i made it in what 30 sec so yea just did it really quick to show ya
Cool thanks I got 10k ancient long ago but was thinkin about gettin the 15k. The coat on the ancient armor looks so sweet but the thing I really hate about it is it has that squarish glitchy movement similar to druid's 15k as you move around, and it looks kinda bad
Jeff Highwind
I swear, the mantid on the chestpiece nearly turned me off to that armor. I just replace the chest with a Krytan chest from Cantha.