This isnt a bad idea at all, it would mean that you could have universally time-dependant events.
I think its a good idea, you could even have a little digital clock box somewhere in the interface, rather than accessing it through a / command.
Tyrian Time - Making Guild Wars A Time Zone
Aussie Boy
/Signed so many times before when ideas like this have been posted but we still didn't get it
so maybe this time.
I really want a button down near the ping button
to show PST,GMT,UTC,Server Time,GW Time whatever time you wanna call it.
No matter where you are on this planet you know what time it if for events and hope
they at lest implement this in GW2 if they can't do it for GW1.
so maybe this time.
I really want a button down near the ping button
to show PST,GMT,UTC,Server Time,GW Time whatever time you wanna call it.
No matter where you are on this planet you know what time it if for events and hope
they at lest implement this in GW2 if they can't do it for GW1.
Mr Joshua Strange
Originally Posted by Carth`
But what would be the point? People will just have to change their time from PST to GWT (Guild Wars Time) instead of PST to GMT. People just want a calculator to do a very simple calculation for them, that is all a clock in Guild Wars showing GMT would be doing.
If you really need a clock in Guild Wars, I suggest you buy a watch, or a clock to go in the room where you play. It can show your own time. When there is an event, you can do a simple sum like 12-8 to find out what time the event will be at in your time zone. Or, use this page: It will do the simple calculation for you. |
This idea doesn't make any sense. I fail to see how saying "Wintersday representatives will appear in blah blah blah cities at noon Tyrian Time" instead of "Wintersday representatives will appear in blah blah blah cities at noon Pacific Time" will help anyone with conversion. They are still converting the exact same times, you're just renaming one of them.
This idea is just like the gas tax holiday - sounds good but makes no sense.
The only good idea I've seen so far is to just put in a countdown option when events are coming up.
I'd love an in game clock with Tyria time just below the compass, it would make life so much easier coordinating events and raids etc
And although Tyria Time may be different from our own time we'd soon get used to it if it was always present in game, making it easy to calculate and plan ahead and no longer need to go hunt for a time zone convertor.
I'd love an in game clock with Tyria time just below the compass, it would make life so much easier coordinating events and raids etc
And although Tyria Time may be different from our own time we'd soon get used to it if it was always present in game, making it easy to calculate and plan ahead and no longer need to go hunt for a time zone convertor.
/signed. I never know what time things are at. It's always the complete opposite time of the day for we downunder.
You only need to do the calculation once. Once you know that Noon PST is X:XX your time, you know how many hours to add/subtract each time. If you don't know what time it is where you live, there are many ways to fix that (clock, watch, cell phone, etc.).
I don't like the idea of catering to lazy people. Learn how to tell time and change time zones.
I don't like the idea of catering to lazy people. Learn how to tell time and change time zones.
I agree with Magma on the learn to tell time zones, THAT is why there is GMT... that way i know im +1 GMT; why should i also need to know what my time is related to PST just to cater lazy americans that dont know their time related to GMT... 
/signed for a GMT clock, mainly because its the international standard. And because if you flip the M around its GWT

/signed for a GMT clock, mainly because its the international standard. And because if you flip the M around its GWT