What all mobs are nerfed now lol?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

I am still fairly new to the game itself, but I have a lvl 14 W/Mo and I am trying to find a place to farm for mainly exp but also decent drops for my level. I just tried farming Minotaurs right outside Ice Tooth Cave, and they run from me when they get low life.

Is there a place that I can go where the mobs don't run, and I can kill them using Live Vicariously + Balthazar's Spirit while spamming Cyclone and Executioner's? I don't have Gladiator's Defense (obviously) or Shield Stance yet if that makes any difference.

Sorry if this really noob of me to ask, but oh well.

P.S. I am using Droks armor with no runes atm, though I do have enough gold to spare to buy Minors/Majors if needed.

P.S.S. Also I am clueless when it comes to weapon mods and such. Could you please include what type of weapons to use for the certain mobs as well?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Most mobs now will run when they get low on life, nothing you can do about that. They do come back, they just no longer stay on you while they die/kill themselves. Farming just takes longer now.

As for runes, they shouldn't matter all that much (although as a warrior fighting melee mobs, absorption runes wouldn't hurt), neither do weapons or their mods (although max weapons where you can easily make their req are nice). Taking a zealous mod helps out, but I noticed your usedbalthazars spirit, so you shouldn't need energy. Maybe a vampiric mod might help (for axe max is 3:1).


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

So basically I will never get those Minotaurs killed is what you're saying? Since I am not doing that much dmg it takes a while to get them low enough to run, then they just regen to full and come back. Any other way I can solo farm at my level?

Farming multiple mobs at once for that chance at getting a nice drop is what pulled me in to GW in the first place, pvp is a close second. =)

I played Diablo 2 for years and GW seems like a similar game but with better graphics and more areas to explore. I loved farming bosses in D2.

Effendi Westland

Effendi Westland

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Isle of the dead



Your first time through the game, lvl 14 and at ice tooth cave trying to farm stuff......

Not the way I would play the game.

If you go by the story you will have enough money to buy whatever you need each time you reach new armor. Granted you will not have max armor, but having an advantage in the game on your first go won't teach you alot. Because this way when you get rdy with runes and armor and are going to continue with the story you won't have the (playing)skill needed to do well in a team.

And yes, most solo-farming like that has been nerfed.

Reason: When the original guild wars was a month old ways to farm were non-exsistant or not public knowledge. As time went by people found out ways to farm, Anet has always responded to this by adjusting stuff so to not make this all to easy (adding enchant removales, nerfing protective bond). This was even before Factions came out.

When factions came out alot of new powerful skills were added to the game. These skills quickly made it into new farming builds that were noticeble faster and easier then builds from before. Why they didn't respond sooner is a mystery to me, but let's just say farming became rampant. The number of friends in my friendslist with two million or more in cash and ectos is simply amazing.

What is the result? The result is the current prizes of rubys and sapphires, when you have 2 million gold and look at the pics for new armor you just buy the stuff you need, the sky is the limit. BUT for new players like yourself you will have to get THAT much more gold because you need 20 rubys and they aren't priced at 4k, but at 8.5k and going up.

So in order to keep a new casual player interested they needed to restore the economy. In other words they did their best to kill/slow-down solo-farming.

P.S. I also liked Diablo alot, but GW is sooo much better :P



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Effendi Westland
Your first time through the game, lvl 14 and at ice tooth cave trying to farm stuff......
You neglected to mention the Lv.14 wearing Droks armour to farm the low level mino's!

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


You can still farm, but just stay away from melee mobs. The ones that run are melee mobs in groups of over 3.
Ranged ones are fine and don't run at all. I have been farming ice imps outside of Talus Chute, hydras at Skyward Reach, and in Nightfall the tusked howlers in Arkjok Ward are good too...All die easily and not one runner. Just have to farm different areas, that's all


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

This won't help you in particular, but here's how it works:

- Never agro more than 3 mobs at a time
- Use a ritualist for farming melee mobs
- Don't kill mobs for xp, especially not for leveling up



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Since you've been to Droks just grab 7 henchies and go clear zones around the area, with you being low level you'll get good XP and the occassional drop.

Look up elites on guildwiki and cap them as you go or make them your target.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

1 Don't bother farming that early
2 Rather than finding an area that fits your needs, since yours are so specific, chances are will have to change your build, and adapt to the game's changes.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


go farm for ice breakers with henchies. when you see one, just have them kill all BUT that one, get some degen going and flag the henchies a LONG ways away, then wait for your loot.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

I tried those ice cave minos a way way way back but they just drop crap.. Keep playing. There are much better places to farm when you reach a higher level and have better skills... Right now i think trying to be a solo farmer at lvl 14 isn't going to give you very good value for money for time spent.