Why can't you use all the faces from all the expansions no matter where you start?!?!
I want to make a new guy that looks like one of the warriors from the first one but start in Nightfall and all I can choose from are the uber gay looking Nightfall characters..
whats up with the?
Player Appearance!!!
I think it's because of each chapter's starting location. Each set of appearances is tailored towards the ethnicities of each continent. It would be nice if each continent was a bit more multicultural... Perhaps an idea for the developers to put into a bonus pack or something.
Though don't forget that characters can travel between continents if you have more than one game. It takes a bit more work, but getting a character with the ethnicity you want to a port isn't all that difficult
Though don't forget that characters can travel between continents if you have more than one game. It takes a bit more work, but getting a character with the ethnicity you want to a port isn't all that difficult

The Pointless
Originally Posted by Chiefdustin
Why can't you use all the faces from all the expansions no matter where you start?!?!

I have thought sometimes that a certain face/hair combo from different campaigns would look very nice, But its all about the way they look. Each campaigns characters have a certain look about them. So it makes sense, although i do sometimes wish i could combine.
Nah, its good right now. If your born in China, do you look like an American? This makes it noticeable which continent you came from.
Originally Posted by EatMoreCarbs
Nah, its good right now. If your born in China, do you look like an American? This makes it noticeable which continent you came from.
Seraphim of Chaos
Originally Posted by Azagoth
That makes no sense. One of my best friends was born in Honk Kong, yet she's 100% English looking with blond hair.
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by Azagoth
That makes no sense. One of my best friends was born in Honk Kong, yet she's 100% English looking with blond hair.
What exactly does an American look like?, an English person?. In fact what is an English person supposed to look like? I fear we MAY(my opinion) have a racist or at least a moron in the house. Sorry for the rant but ignorance like this is not on.
Anyway, back to topic i tend to agree with the OP, bit odd more combos are not available, cannot see the problem, as far as camaign flavour goes, how would a few different faces detract from overall flavour? Choice FTW
Anyway, back to topic i tend to agree with the OP, bit odd more combos are not available, cannot see the problem, as far as camaign flavour goes, how would a few different faces detract from overall flavour? Choice FTW