Getting Money on ogpal ?
Samuel Saitoh
as the annonce for Ogpal in on this site I've decided to ask the question here. In ogpal I've saw somewhere that I could buy GW Gold, something like 200k and more. What I want to know is, does it really work or it his total bullshit ? because I don't want to give my credit card number to anyone. Thanks in advance for the help
Marty Silverblade
Buying GW Gold is against the EULA and will get your account banned permanently. Don't do it, even if you know that these people are trustworthy.
It's against the EULA and if found out you'll have your account banned. Anyway, why do you want to cheat in the first place? Why not do what the majority of honest people do and play the bloody game!
Samuel Saitoh
because it's not as simple as that. and the cost of everything in this game is so high for the money I get.
The cost of things would come down considerably if people would just frelling stop buying gold.
Let's fix this:
the cost of everything in this game is so high for the vanity items I want to get
Max armor and weapons are available for free, better armor is available for cheap (1.5k variety from Droks, Kaineng, Docks, etc), "perfect" gear is craftable for 5k+.
the cost of everything in this game is so high for the vanity items I want to get
Max armor and weapons are available for free, better armor is available for cheap (1.5k variety from Droks, Kaineng, Docks, etc), "perfect" gear is craftable for 5k+.
Lol, max armor for free? Oh you mean the collectors right? Well, do you actually think that hours of farming what they need and finding them after that is free? In that case you never heard of "time is money", and that is too true... I had no problem making money without the 25/10 AI update, no problem at all, but now my money is just decreasing faster than ever on basic items like armour and basic weapons!
I was never rich, and maybe that is because I hate cheaters and I hate cheating. But seriously; with this update, explain to me how a-net is thinking!
Do they like that it takes ages to get a basic 1,5k armor a piece? Cause I sure as h*ll don't! I love GW, I will always love GW, and I also love nightfall, but the AI update is a pain in the neck, back AND *SS!
Anyway, armour and max weapons for free?! LOL!
I was never rich, and maybe that is because I hate cheaters and I hate cheating. But seriously; with this update, explain to me how a-net is thinking!
Do they like that it takes ages to get a basic 1,5k armor a piece? Cause I sure as h*ll don't! I love GW, I will always love GW, and I also love nightfall, but the AI update is a pain in the neck, back AND *SS!
Anyway, armour and max weapons for free?! LOL!
Ok, this poses some questions for me. I asked about the ethics of buying gold from outside the game and was quickly told the eula forbade it. I'm also now aware that this game does not employ an item mall (what some free games do to generate cash). I'm also coming aware that this game has many professionals "playing it" (aka farming cash to sell; chinese gold farmers; or insiderers/hackers selling replicated gold) selling to players. I asked if this game's economy was compromised because of this and if a-net/ncsoft actually kept control of the currency sales.
Judging from a comment above, it's appearing as though the economy is inflated from said currency buying/selling and that it is quite difficult to move through this game because of obvious cash/drop nerfs (as is the case with all NCSoft games). Now since this is a free game, it's probably safe to suggest that a-net/ncsoft is nerfing cash/drops to curb the farming of it more than they're just trying to create long term customers (who would normally pay monthly access fees).
Anyone care to reply to these questions? And if so, please state if it's your guess, a rumor, or if you've got or seen evidence to support. Thanks!
-A potential GW player
Judging from a comment above, it's appearing as though the economy is inflated from said currency buying/selling and that it is quite difficult to move through this game because of obvious cash/drop nerfs (as is the case with all NCSoft games). Now since this is a free game, it's probably safe to suggest that a-net/ncsoft is nerfing cash/drops to curb the farming of it more than they're just trying to create long term customers (who would normally pay monthly access fees).
Anyone care to reply to these questions? And if so, please state if it's your guess, a rumor, or if you've got or seen evidence to support. Thanks!
-A potential GW player
Buying Gold is against the EULA. It will lead to your account being banned if you are caught having bought gold. Also, as mentioned there are plenty of option's when it comes to armor's, weapon's, items in GW - collector's, crwafter's and cheap max AL armor.
Try doing a Search on farming or go look in the Farming forum - there are plenty of ways to make money after the update. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Because ANet, nor GWG, does not support buying of gold and because this thread is either about that or a pointless rant concerning updates and farming.. and before the thread turns into a flame-fest..
Thread Closed.
Try doing a Search on farming or go look in the Farming forum - there are plenty of ways to make money after the update. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Because ANet, nor GWG, does not support buying of gold and because this thread is either about that or a pointless rant concerning updates and farming.. and before the thread turns into a flame-fest..
Thread Closed.