Illegal Drops



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Hi there. I'm a relatively new player in this game (been playing about 4-5 months now) and I'm curious about something.

I got into a PUG group last night to do the "Unwelcomed Guest" Quest in Zen Daijun. This quest is fairly long and it took our group about an hour to complete. None of us were expert players, but none were obvious noobs either. Also, we had a full group of 6 players, no henchies along.

Well, the drops weren't great. I got about 4 or 5 augmented flesh and some white weapons. The others got about the same....


There were 5 gold drops during the quest.....

All for the same player. (Not me)

Well after about the 3rd gold drop, the guys in my group got really really angy. They accused the lucky player of hacking the game and/or using 3rd party mods to rig the drops. The lucky player never denied this, they just responded with smiley face emotes. The rest of the players in my group were extremely mad and about 3 of them said they were reporting "Lucky" to A-net.

Is there any truth to this? Can a person really rig drops with a cheat program? If so, that really sucks IMO! Or was this just a case of sour grapes.

5 golds did seem to be a bit high. Odds wise.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

well, drops are suposably RANDOM and generated by Anet, not something a player can control. maby this guy got crazy luck. I really dont think there is a new thing that is a program on your compy that controlls drops from anet



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


Pure luck.

AFAIK the only "hacks" that can be made to the game are client side and don't actually effect the data on the servers. So no I highly highly doubt that that player was haking, all luck.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

it is all controlled server side not client side.

the sore heads were unlucky as you cant hack it or dupe it etc



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Well that's certainly good to know. I have enough to worry about with all the scammers out there. I don't need to deal with hackers cheating me as well. You wouldn't believe the stupidity of some of the scams I've seen in towns lately.

Never mind, you probably would. You guys play this game just as much as I do. It's sad that people actually fall for them.

I figured the drops were server side, but wasn't sure if some code from the client could influence them or not. I'm a programmer, but I don't do web programming and the complexity of the games nowadays is beyond me.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


the monks usually get the best of the drops for some reason I find In FOW I heal and I usually only get dusts and whites but I don't complain . Its all just random.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Luck i would say. I actually have had very lucky experiances like that in my time, for example - While traveling through factions, I played my ritualist one going through everything from tanahki temple to hatchery with almost the same group. During the bored seabed mission one of the other players got a black dye, two gold weapons, and a sapphire. Then later, when we got to hatchery, i got a jadeite shard, an amber chuck, a gold weapon, & a ruby. Both of these times no one else got any good drops.

There might be something out there like that, but I know that i have had good luck before in the past, its not often though, but it can happen.

Elemental Cotton

Elemental Cotton

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


Like Silhouette said, it's just luck and that doesn't happen often.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

I got 4/4 ectos in a single 4 person trapping group run.

So, I guess I should say

It's luck.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Its good that you and your teammates reported the "lucky" player. Granted most drops are luck of the draw but they are supposed to be randomized so that each person within a grop gets and equal number of good drops. This usualy is the case. I also found that a lot of monks get an extraordinary number of good drops too (does A-Net and NC-Soft reward players for playing a Monk??). I am not saying that the "lucky" player was cheating but at least now A-Net and NC-Soft can look at what happened and see what is going on. If they don't find anything then great, but if they do find something suspisious then that confirms the roumor that I have herd that there are other cheats available other than the "bot's" (Crystal Desert anyone??).
I personaly am not too lucky, but as of late I have been getting a rather nice number of purple an gold drops but nothing to brag about. I still get the white and blue ones but not as often as I was in the past.

Mega Mouse




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



jesus I hope I never get in a pug with the OP, I just might be reported for doing nothing




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


VitisVinifera, it still wouldn't matter if you were doing nothing because nothing would be done to you.

And that did seem a little strange, like the randomizer was stuck in one position. Reporting that as a bug can help make the game better for everyone.

Deviant Angel

Deviant Angel

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

On a boat!



Originally Posted by MegaMouse
I also found that a lot of monks get an extraordinary number of good drops too (does A-Net and NC-Soft reward players for playing a Monk??).
My luck is just as bad on my monk as it is on my other characters!




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



Originally Posted by VGJustice
VitisVinifera, it still wouldn't matter if you were doing nothing because nothing would be done to you.

And that did seem a little strange, like the randomizer was stuck in one position. Reporting that as a bug can help make the game better for everyone.
anerf has mass banned large groups of people for doing nothing before -- during the Dragon Festival, many ppl who afk'ed in the luck games got banned (this was well-documented and can't be denied).

personally I like my privacy not to be invaded, whether its pricks tattling on me because they are sore losers, or anerf investigating my acct for perceived injustices



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Speaking of illegal drops; don't piles of glittering dust remind you of something?

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


well: what if everyone exept the lucky one had the anti farming code on them, while the lucky guy had little or no code on him?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cute And Fluffy in My Tummy

Cult Classic [CC]


Its Pure "luck"

Each time I threw a Tombs Run I always get AT LEAST Victo's Axe. 9eccept maybe once) and On a Few times I got three Greens, but always Victo's Axe.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by TheRaven
Hi there. I'm a relatively new player in this game (been playing about 4-5 months now) and I'm curious about something.

I got into a PUG group last night to do the "Unwelcomed Guest" Quest in Zen Daijun. This quest is fairly long and it took our group about an hour to complete. None of us were expert players, but none were obvious noobs either. Also, we had a full group of 6 players, no henchies along.

Well, the drops weren't great. I got about 4 or 5 augmented flesh and some white weapons. The others got about the same....


There were 5 gold drops during the quest.....

All for the same player. (Not me)

Well after about the 3rd gold drop, the guys in my group got really really angy. They accused the lucky player of hacking the game and/or using 3rd party mods to rig the drops. The lucky player never denied this, they just responded with smiley face emotes. The rest of the players in my group were extremely mad and about 3 of them said they were reporting "Lucky" to A-net.

Is there any truth to this? Can a person really rig drops with a cheat program? If so, that really sucks IMO! Or was this just a case of sour grapes.

5 golds did seem to be a bit high. Odds wise.
Your group may not have been noobs, but if they were serious about accusing the lucky one of hacking - they are morons instead. The reaction of the lucky one to the hack accusations (which s/he probably took in jest) were completely ordinary as many of us would just give a smiley at such a time. No hack - just luck. I remember when farming greens during the factions triple drop weekend, no matter who I farmed with - I got all the greens. That was fun :P.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Some people are really unlucky...some people are really lucky. As for me, I'm a "really unlucky" one! For example, I will go to Aborstone and 90% of the time (when Milefaun Mindflayer is there) I will see Milefaun's Staff drop....and 100% of that time it's NEVER been for me! Considering the number of times I have done Aborstone you would have thought it may have dropped for me once, but no. Also, for instance, if I go into Nahpui, as I have done on numerous occaisions, lots of other people will get gold chest drops...but not me. It is frustrating but it's probably not an "OMFG n00b HaX0R" moment. I just accept it now!

The problem with ANet is they seem to take the view that you are "Guilty until proven otherwise"...that is, they seem to ban you for doing nothing so they can ascertain you have not done anything wrong, so, I think it would be wrong to report someone for getting 5 gold chest drops, even if they did not say they weren't using a third party program...they may have just sent "smilies" when asked for 2 reasons: 1. to ruffle your feathers or 2. because they were happy for getting all those gold drops.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

Did an oro run once with a guildy and a bunch of other people. My guildy got 6 or 7 greens, rest of us got nothing. Crazy stuff, but not hax.

exiled mat

exiled mat

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

The netherlands > friesland > balk

[JAMM] Justified Ancients of Moo Moo


Pure luck

Now how do i get rid of my aura of unluckyness ?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


I get the feeling that unlucky is an account wide thing.

Main character went from Ice caves of Sorrow all thru to Ring of fire. I was in the same PuG for all 4 missions. they all got at least 2-3 golds each, I got....0

2nd character in Nightfall PuG for first 3 missions same thing 0 golds for me, loads for them.

I musta seriously pissed off one of the Gods to deserve bad luck like this.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Dagons Of Darkness


I know wat u mean about being unlucky. onetime i killled ghal like 6 or 7 times and got squat it suks but haiju is a very lucky place im always getting great mods there



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Is just lucky: I was in a Party of 5 ppl, for SF , orozar farming ,and I got 4 or 5 greens in 1 run =D .

But I never got a Superior Vigor rune since GW came out LOL



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
jesus I hope I never get in a pug with the OP, I just might be reported for doing nothing

Geez, cut me some slack will ya. I never said that I reported anyone. I said that others in my group did. I also said that I'm new to the game, so I posted a simple question. I honestly wanted to know if a hack like this was possible. I recently stopped playing another online game because of all the cheat hacks being used. I enjoy games like this and I'm very competitive. I'm still new, but I want to progress to the point where I can be one of the top players in a top guild. (Yeah, right, maybe in a year or 2). That was my goal in the game that I left, but found that it was impossible to compete without buying several 3rd party hacks and cheating. I lost almost every competition I entered to hackers.

This particular quest was on Shing Jea Island so the drops, even the gold ones, aren't worth very much so it doesn't really matter in the bigger scheme of things, but I would like to know if this is a cheat I need to worry about before paying to join a FoW group.

So far, I haven't seen much obvious cheating in this game, and I really like it, however I do see a lot of ads on the net for auto-bots and farming bots and hacks. I hate those things and don't want to find that I can't get decent armor and weapons without them. I know A-net will ban cheaters, but they can't possibly catch everyone without a full time army working for them.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


I got 5 ectos from 5 smites in a row once while duoing UW. They were the only ectos that dropped that run. It's pure luck



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Thats just it,A-net and NC-soft need help to catch the cheaters thats why they have us the ingme players reporting others. If they don't find anything then thats cool, but every tie we report something the teams at A-Net and NC-Soft look at the records of that time and look for anything unusual. Sometimes it's just a bug that they "promptly" fix, other times it may be a hack, but we need to be vigilant too, letting them know about things that are suspicious. I have been in teams where one has beeen afak to get lvled up, but that is fixed now, you must be within the attacking groups aggro range to get any exp now and if I am not mistaken you must at least attack one target to get the exp from all of them (not real sure of that but currently testing the theory). The anti-farming code kicks in when someone constantly goes into the same area, I am not too sure how many times a person must enter the same area to kick it in but to keep it from kicking in on me I will go to another map for a bit just to be on the safe side. That usualy keeps the anti-farming code from kicking on me.
As far as hacks go someone out there is always trying to find an easy way to get what they want, but A-Net and NC-Soft close the holes as soon as they find them or are told of them. Thats why even if they don't find anything fishy going on we need to report the suspicious oens to them.

Mega Mouse

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Same with Luck, I Chest Run one day with a friend (he wanted to learn the route) I got 4 outta 5 Gold, and he got 1 outta 5 gold... Next run I got 3 of 4 Gold, he got no golds.

I certainly didn't hack the chests :\


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by MegaMouse
Sometimes it's just a bug that they "promptly" fix, other times it may be a hack,
As far as hacks go someone out there is always trying to find an easy way to get what they want, but A-Net and NC-Soft close the holes as soon as they find them or are told of them. Thats why even if they don't find anything fishy going on we need to report the suspicious oens to them.

Mega Mouse
get your terms straight.

a *bug* is something already *ingame* that someone can *exploit* to their advantage the best known being the *repeat ascention* exploit.

all of this is SERVER SIDE

a *HACK* is something introduced from the outside that has an effect on the game to the persons advantage.

stop calling a bug/exploit a hack as it is not a person hacking the game from CLIENT SIDE

Warrior Of The Toon

Warrior Of The Toon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Returning after a 50 month break. Hi.



Well I've had some good spurts of drops in the game, for example 3 golds in as manay minute in Vizunah Square, after just about everyone else had gotten one each. And now me and a guild are going through the Tyrian story with new chars, my wammo seems to be getting all purples and the one gold that has dropped



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Clear your greedy soul.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


Jesus I hope I never run into these so-called, "Pros" in the OP's group. Wouldn't want to be called a ,"Hacker" because I get better drops then them. Ran into a few back in the day when SF farming was still the thing to do. Some guy got really really pissed at me because I had 4 greens drop for me and no one else. He ragequitted and started pm'ing me with profanity. I only laughed at his immaturity.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Loviatar
get your terms straight.

a *bug* is something already *ingame* that someone can *exploit* to their advantage the best known being the *repeat ascention* exploit.

all of this is SERVER SIDE

a *HACK* is something introduced from the outside that has an effect on the game to the persons advantage.

stop calling a bug/exploit a hack as it is not a person hacking the game from CLIENT SIDE
I have read from somewhere that it is possible to modify "core data" via exploit if you manage to execute proper outside code on the server. One form of these kinds of exploits would be buffer overflow vulnerability although I don't know how far you can go with that. Other thing is that how you could alter certain things in unknown software data. It would take days or more to figure out its functions. Very theoretical threat. Wiping out all the data is very easy comparing how to control an unknown software. However, theoretically exploits have a chance to "introduce something from the outside" too.

So I'm pretty sure too that arbitrary hacks are quite impossible with Guild Wars servers. At least with current knowledge.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


This is for Loviator: I was not callling a bug a hack. I was trying to explain the differencew and YOU are the only one who either did not read the entire post, or just tried to read into it what you felt like it. There are known bugs/exploits within the game that A-Net and NC-Soft are constantly finding about. That is the reason for some of the small updates. And as far as the "repeat Ascension" that is a part of the game that has been around since it came out and is not a "bug/expliot", it is just repeatable thats it nothing more. How do you think that you can get the bonus for ascending if you can't repeat it. I am not sure how long you have been playing but as for me I have been around since the game came out and have seen a lot of "bug's/exploits" come and go. As players find and report them, they get fixed.
As far as Hacks go, it is entirely possible to find some code online that will manipulate anything, wether it be a ame or someone elses computer, you just gotta know where and what to look for.
Next time read the whole post before responding.

Mega Mouse


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by MegaMouse
This is for Loviator And as far as the "repeat Ascension" that is a part of the game that has been around since it came out and is not a "bug/expliot", it is just repeatable thats it nothing more. How do you think that you can get the bonus for ascending if you can't repeat it.

i am refering to the exploit where the same character could abort , collect the exp, and repeat as many times as they wanted.

ANET banned several accounts over this one and it is listed in the update fixes.

I am not sure how long you have been playing but as for me I have been around since the game came out
Mega Mouse

and i have been playing since the early BWE before release and so what?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



The drops are randomly given to players. EG I've just done 3 oro runs with the same group in which 6 greens and 6 golds droped and I did'nt get a single one, and another got 3 of each. This guy and me both opened 6 chests he got all purple I got 5 golds. You going to report me and him for hacking too ?

falling demon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


Dawn's Omen {Leader}


i had 2 Black dye drops and a White dye drop on my first 8 kills on my Canthan Ele (from the lvl 2 mantids..) twas madness.. but now.. he's level 20, is halfway through NF and Cantha is finished, and has only had 2 gold drops, and 5 purple drops, so meh, it's all luck etc.

You two, this thread is about the random drops, not how long you have been playing.. like the arguments that kids have.. my dad has a bigger shotgun and he will shoot you and you will die.. i don't care my dad will kill your dad with his super powers (Ok, so I'm exaggerating a little, but you get the idea, so shut up arguing)

Cheeva B

Cheeva B

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



I hate when people do that lol. On an FoW farm, we completed Menzies quest and then all the way to clearing the forge. I recieved 5 shards, and the rest of the group didnt get a single one. I was accused the same way, but the only person that didnt jump on the accusation band wagon, I gave a shard to. People were threatening to quit, but stayed and they finally started dropping for others in the Restore the Forge quest. Until that time though, I seen some words that I think should make this game rated M lol. Just because someone gets good drops, its not cool to automatically assume they are hacking or exploiting...randomness could mean equal, or lopsided, other wise instead of random drops, you'd have someone get a drop and know they wont get anything and leave right then and there.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



thats crap :| i am lucky and unlucky. i get good items but noone will want to buy :O

ANet give me 2403 ectos plz!

i once got a bone dragon(appeared in my inventory and i noticed it when i went to farm fow) and 2 golds (shadow bow req 9 15%-5) then straight after that onto next mob there was a chest. opened it sup vigor then killed mob and got 1 shard and 1 black dye o.O the worse part of it is that they would only buy shards and dye (i needed my vigor)

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


yea well my mom will kill all of your dads with her horrid cooking! so there!