I got into a PUG group last night to do the "Unwelcomed Guest" Quest in Zen Daijun. This quest is fairly long and it took our group about an hour to complete. None of us were expert players, but none were obvious noobs either. Also, we had a full group of 6 players, no henchies along.
Well, the drops weren't great. I got about 4 or 5 augmented flesh and some white weapons. The others got about the same....
There were 5 gold drops during the quest.....
All for the same player.

Well after about the 3rd gold drop, the guys in my group got really really angy. They accused the lucky player of hacking the game and/or using 3rd party mods to rig the drops. The lucky player never denied this, they just responded with smiley face emotes. The rest of the players in my group were extremely mad and about 3 of them said they were reporting "Lucky" to A-net.
Is there any truth to this? Can a person really rig drops with a cheat program? If so, that really sucks IMO! Or was this just a case of sour grapes.
5 golds did seem to be a bit high. Odds wise.