Overflow window(Search gave me nothing)
Is there a way to get it open besides trading with someone? If I ask just anyone to trade me something iin order to open the window, they might think Im trying to scam them, and I dont want that. Ive tried rezoning, and relogging, and neither worked. Any ideas?
Wrath Of Dragons
As far as I'm aware the only way to bring that up is via trading. So if your not part of a guild, you'll need to ask a stranger if you can trade with them for this facility.
I wonder if the window that open's if you have unclaimed items from a mission could be used for this..
Just out of curiosity.. just why do you need this "overflow window"?
I wonder if the window that open's if you have unclaimed items from a mission could be used for this..
Just out of curiosity.. just why do you need this "overflow window"?
Was a couple drops I missed from Dunes, didnt even get to see if they were any good. Gonna look in options, see if I can turn off closing overflow with escape. Thanks for the help so far! 
Edit: Found "Do not close windows when I press Escape", but would be much more useful if you could select which to close with escape(checkboxes). Ill be clicking Xs now.

Edit: Found "Do not close windows when I press Escape", but would be much more useful if you could select which to close with escape(checkboxes). Ill be clicking Xs now.