No Enter Mission Button


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005



I have a Canthian character, who in Elona has no enter mission button.

For the 3 missions I have completed, I have to rely on another player to enter the mission.

I had thought I was too far ahead of myself as I skipped right to consulate docks and went to the main land, so I went back to Istan and I went to Jokanur Diggings and I did not have an enter mission button.

I had helped with Sunspears in Kryta, did I screw myself up by not doing the Sunspears in Cantha quest?


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Nope. In Elona, the Enter Mission button has been eliminated. Instead, a new quest-like marker that looks like the mission icons has been added over the appropriate NPCs once you have done the lead-up quests.

They should always be there for those on Istan but you must do a few quests to get the first level 20 mission in Consulate Docks (you'll see it when the quest "The Time is Nigh" sends you there).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Missions in Elona do not have a enter mission button.
Instead its glowing green symbols above the npc, sometimes they appear after finishing main quest (usually npc with the reward also gives the mission start).


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005



Thank You for the replies, some how I never read that