AFK Lightbringer = Gone
Yep, the easy Lightbringer farming is over. Too bad. 8k short of 50k.
You no longer get any points after you kill the mob for the first time.
You no longer get any points after you kill the mob for the first time.
do you mean lightbringer?
Edit made...thanks.
The irony is that people will complain since ArenaNet fixed an exploit.
OH NO! This is horrible! Now people have to go back to actually playing the game. ANet always ruins things.
Lol I wouldnt really care anyways because My warrior and my paragon both have r8 XD. And thats all I need really
Isn't that sad. lol
Dang, wish I had AFKed it more sooner. Only 6k points here. =(
The Ernada
Yep people are going to come in here complaining that Anet nerfed their fun!
Originally Posted by The Ernada
Yep people are going to come in here complaining that Anet nerfed their fun!
Originally Posted by Zinger314
The irony is that people will complain since ArenaNet fixed an exploit.
Actually, we're what, 12 posts in and no complaints yet?
Actually, we're what, 12 posts in and no complaints yet?
We scared them off....
Ulivious The Reaper
you could afk to get lightbringer points... wtf no one tells me things o.o
Originally Posted by Ulivious The Reaper
you could afk to get lightbringer points... wtf no one tells me things o.o
Actually the irony is that people here are already complaining about people who haven't complained yet
Personally I'm glad its gone

Personally I'm glad its gone
LoKi Foxfire
Haha! I'm so glad I got my rank 8 on my ranger! 
*dances in glee*
I think the new quests will make getting the higher ranks easier though!
*dances in glee*
I think the new quests will make getting the higher ranks easier though!
The Ernada
Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
Actually the irony is that people here are already complaining about people who haven't complained yet
![]() |
I'm surprised people are so willing to admit they abuse exploits, really. I'm glad they fixed it.
lol.. tru tru.. i OWNED that exploit.
Meh, I actually had fun doing that. Positioning just right, then knowing that my heroes were invincible while I stood there reaping the benefits, it gave a feeling of pride and power that I could do something like that, even if it wasn't my idea.
Farming was the same way. Knowing that I could solo so many enemies, even with a concept that wasn't my own, gave a feeling of pride and entertainment I really enjoyed. UW duo-ing was particularly fun, as sometimes things would occur forcing quick adaptation...and managing to rectify such a deteriorating situation gave me a feeling of accomplishment.
Well, I still have my PvP...but PvE has been completely ruined for me, as I really can't stand playing PvE the way Anet wants me to.
(There, you happy now? First complaint, though what I said was true :P)
Farming was the same way. Knowing that I could solo so many enemies, even with a concept that wasn't my own, gave a feeling of pride and entertainment I really enjoyed. UW duo-ing was particularly fun, as sometimes things would occur forcing quick adaptation...and managing to rectify such a deteriorating situation gave me a feeling of accomplishment.
Well, I still have my PvP...but PvE has been completely ruined for me, as I really can't stand playing PvE the way Anet wants me to.
(There, you happy now? First complaint, though what I said was true :P)
I just learned about it 3 days ago, so I couldn't fully enjoy exploiting it. O well, got to r5, good enough for me
Originally Posted by Relambrien
Meh, I actually had fun doing that. Positioning just right, then knowing that my heroes were invincible while I stood there reaping the benefits, it gave a feeling of pride and power that I could do something like that, even if it wasn't my idea.
Farming was the same way. Knowing that I could solo so many enemies, even with a concept that wasn't my own, gave a feeling of pride and entertainment I really enjoyed. UW duo-ing was particularly fun, as sometimes things would occur forcing quick adaptation...and managing to rectify such a deteriorating situation gave me a feeling of accomplishment. Well, I still have my PvP...but PvE has been completely ruined for me, as I really can't stand playing PvE the way Anet wants me to. (There, you happy now? First complaint, though what I said was true :P) |
Axe Addict
I never used it the afk since im not up to those areas yet i have been using the tried and tested method of wandering around killing things working on my Cartographer title
Man, I'm disappointed nobody made a "They didn't fix this soon enough/now Lightbringer is meaningless" post.
Originally Posted by Agyar
I'm surprised people are so willing to admit they abuse exploits, really. I'm glad they fixed it.
I wouldn't really think of it as an exploit. I mean its not like your going through a wall or getting stuck in the ground or anything. Its doing what people have always done. For example in relic runs people always find ways to body block so the enemy cant grab the relic. And for afk farming its the same thing, theres a wall in the way, theres a monk further down the wall, the scythes cant reach it because someone is body blocking.
Either way it was fun to do it because nobody can get it just right, you have to repeadily do it, get positioning right thruogh trial and error with first time experiances until you finally get it. Its not simple one two click and done, you have to have the skills the heros, good experiance at controlling your heros and what not. And whats the reward? you get to rest and go afk knowing that you managed to accomplish something.
Either way it was fun to do it because nobody can get it just right, you have to repeadily do it, get positioning right thruogh trial and error with first time experiances until you finally get it. Its not simple one two click and done, you have to have the skills the heros, good experiance at controlling your heros and what not. And whats the reward? you get to rest and go afk knowing that you managed to accomplish something.
It's an exploit, period. If it wasn't an exploit, then why was it changed. I'm gonna assume you're new to computer video games if you can't discern what is an exploit or not.
look at all the people that secretly wish they had rank 8
look at all the people that secretly wish they had rank 8
Yeah so something thats been changed = has to be an exploit? Then everytime they changed / nerfed skills it must be beacuse people exploited them. Yeah maybe we have different definitions on what an exploit is instead of just assuming im new to computer games...
The Ernada
People freely admit that they're exploiting because Anet is horrible at handing out punishments. And no matter how you try to justify it, it's an exploit. I mean come on, you really think going AFK while getting points is really what their intention was?
Juicey Shake
I just learned about it 3 weeks ago, so I could fully enjoy exploiting it. O joy, got to r8, good enough for me
Nah I have some pretty nice titles and I didn't exploit any of them. I have 3 GMC titles, 3 Protector titles, 1 maxed skill hunter title, and some others up and coming. I might only be rank 4 in Lightbringer, but at least I know I didn't cheat and put a taint on my character. Maybe when I'm at rank 7 with another 15k to grind for rank 8 (if I haven't lost my mind to the grind) I'll have a change of heart and be jealous, but for now I'm pretty happy with my r4 LB character. I have nothing to be ashamed about. Do you?
I'm not gonna claim to be a saint. I do afk farm the Lucky/Unlucky titles, but those don't matter, and it's not the same thing. AFK farming Lightbringer is comparable to AFK farming for Fame in Heroes Ascent, or AFK farming for Faction in Fort Aspenwood although not as bad.
I'm not gonna claim to be a saint. I do afk farm the Lucky/Unlucky titles, but those don't matter, and it's not the same thing. AFK farming Lightbringer is comparable to AFK farming for Fame in Heroes Ascent, or AFK farming for Faction in Fort Aspenwood although not as bad.
if i wanted to grind, id go back to playing wow, thats why i switched to gw
Neo Nugget
goooood!(i never got to do it lol)
Originally Posted by Kalki
It's a bug and an exploit, period. If it wasn't an exploit, then why was it changed. I'm gonna assume you're new to computer video games if you can't discern what is an exploit or not.
Nowhere on does it say that an exploit is something that is being used the way it was not intended to in order to achieve some goal (which is the general agreement on what an exploit is). Look it up yourself if you don't believe me ^^. The closest thing to it is "To make use of selfishly or unethically," but that doesn't include the whole "thing that wasn't intended" implication.
But like I said, that was just to be smart. Laugh at it already, jeez! I'm just trying to make some humor here

Originally Posted by Kalki
Your tears bring me so much joy.
And as a note: I wasn't farming for points, I could care less about that. I was farming for, like I said, the feeling of just being able to do it. But now, that feeling is gone, for one reason or another. At least with the points I had some sort of something that gave a tangible point to farming, but now that it no longer happens, I don't enjoy it anymore. Even if it was just some random counter that meant absolutely nothing and had zero effects whatsoever, it would give a point to it and I would enjoy it. But, I don't anymore.
So yeah, each person enjoys the game differently, and I don't appreciate someone trying to impose their views on me...
King's Spectre
Wouldn't break my heart if they reset all the titles back to R4-5..

The Ernada
Originally Posted by Kalki
I'm not gonna claim to be a saint. I do afk farm the Lucky/Unlucky titles, but those don't matter, and it's not the same thing. AFK farming Lightbringer is comparable to AFK farming for Fame in Heroes Ascent although not as bad.
Loki Seiguro
0 point5s here lol w/e ill just play the game normally like i always do
Kai Nui
Dang, seems like everyone who's actually exploited it get the benefits, but for people going through and actually doing it end up not getting points if enemies res. Oh well, not too big of a deal honestly.