Some very easy questions
I've never played Guild Wars and I know absolutely nothing about it other than it's a MMORPG and there's at least 1 add-on. I like singple player rpgs like Morrowind, Gothic, Gothic 2.
1) How does Guild Wars compare to Morrowind, Gothic and Gothic 2? Big environment? Lots of quests? Lots of spoken dialogue (MW has very little but all dialogue in G1 and G2 is spoken)? Totally free-form?
2) What should I buy? I've seen Factions and Nightfall for sale. There's also the original Guild Wars. The original is hard to find. Should I look for it anyway or should I forget about the original and get Factions?
3) Nightfall is an add-on to factions, right? Is Prophecy an add-on too? It's been out for a year or more so is there a version that comes with factions and both add-ons (ie. GOTY)?
1) How does Guild Wars compare to Morrowind, Gothic and Gothic 2? Big environment? Lots of quests? Lots of spoken dialogue (MW has very little but all dialogue in G1 and G2 is spoken)? Totally free-form?
2) What should I buy? I've seen Factions and Nightfall for sale. There's also the original Guild Wars. The original is hard to find. Should I look for it anyway or should I forget about the original and get Factions?
3) Nightfall is an add-on to factions, right? Is Prophecy an add-on too? It's been out for a year or more so is there a version that comes with factions and both add-ons (ie. GOTY)?
Wrath Of Dragons
Never played g/g2, but morrowind.....really isnt similar. You are restricted to 8 skills at any 1 time, but are easy to change. Combat is similar, except there is MUCH more strategy in GW, because of how many options there are. In GW, there is no "sword of umbra" or some other uber equipment......anyone can be equal with little/no effort. equipment is based on progression through the game, but anyone can get the same thing easily.
GW1 = Largest, most things to do
GW2 = Most focus on PvP, i think
GW3 = Most focus on PvE (e = enviroment, p = player)
I would recommend 1 or 3 for someone just starting, probably GW1.
All 3 games are capable of being stand-alone, and not give any disadvantage to someone without the other campaigns. A lot of builds do revolve around sklls from all 3 campaigns, so keep that in mind. Most of my favorite skills are available in GW1, but there are a few other excellent ones in the others (ok a lot, but still more in the first)
Never played g/g2, but morrowind.....really isnt similar. You are restricted to 8 skills at any 1 time, but are easy to change. Combat is similar, except there is MUCH more strategy in GW, because of how many options there are. In GW, there is no "sword of umbra" or some other uber equipment......anyone can be equal with little/no effort. equipment is based on progression through the game, but anyone can get the same thing easily.
GW1 = Largest, most things to do
GW2 = Most focus on PvP, i think
GW3 = Most focus on PvE (e = enviroment, p = player)
I would recommend 1 or 3 for someone just starting, probably GW1.
All 3 games are capable of being stand-alone, and not give any disadvantage to someone without the other campaigns. A lot of builds do revolve around sklls from all 3 campaigns, so keep that in mind. Most of my favorite skills are available in GW1, but there are a few other excellent ones in the others (ok a lot, but still more in the first)
I'd have to agree with Wrath on all points. Except that I'd recommend GW3, Nightfall, slightly over GW1, Prophecies. But, that's just personal taste.
as free-roaming as Morrowind and Oblivion are, the GW's are pretty linear, in terms of how you progress. There is much less free exploration, because there are many 'choke points' in the GW's called missions, where you must complete these to get further into the game (further both in the story line, and into further areas).
Also, in the Elder Scrolls games, you can play them at your pace, take on 1 enemy at a time, and seriously plan things out. In the GW's, you pick your 8 skills, and who you play with, and things are much tighter and fairly faster-paced.
The online aspect of GW's vs Elder Scrolls games speak for themselves -- GW is entirely played online, Elder Scrolls entirely offline.
Personally I'd recommend playing the original GW first (called Prophecies), because it's a bit simpler and easier to get up-to-speed than is Nightfall, and if you like Prophecies, get Nightfall (I wouldn't mess with Factions unless you serioulsy get hooked).
Now, you can get free trial keys to the various GW games, they go for like 20 hours of free play (forget the actual amount) if you'd rather test drive it.
Also, in the Elder Scrolls games, you can play them at your pace, take on 1 enemy at a time, and seriously plan things out. In the GW's, you pick your 8 skills, and who you play with, and things are much tighter and fairly faster-paced.
The online aspect of GW's vs Elder Scrolls games speak for themselves -- GW is entirely played online, Elder Scrolls entirely offline.
Personally I'd recommend playing the original GW first (called Prophecies), because it's a bit simpler and easier to get up-to-speed than is Nightfall, and if you like Prophecies, get Nightfall (I wouldn't mess with Factions unless you serioulsy get hooked).
Now, you can get free trial keys to the various GW games, they go for like 20 hours of free play (forget the actual amount) if you'd rather test drive it.
Wrath referred to GW1, GW2, and GW3. So GW1 is Prophecies, GW2 is Factions and GW3 is Nightfall?
I was told in a store that you have to have Factions to play Nightfall. That's wrong?
VitisVinifera refers to trial keys that go for 20 hours of play. I thought GuildWars had no monthly on-line fee, unlike WOW. So if there's no on-line fee, why do I need a "trial key" that's good for 20 hours of play?
I've also checked in a few stores and they only have Factions and Nightfall. I've never see Prophecies anywhere. Can I get it on-line?
I was told in a store that you have to have Factions to play Nightfall. That's wrong?
VitisVinifera refers to trial keys that go for 20 hours of play. I thought GuildWars had no monthly on-line fee, unlike WOW. So if there's no on-line fee, why do I need a "trial key" that's good for 20 hours of play?
I've also checked in a few stores and they only have Factions and Nightfall. I've never see Prophecies anywhere. Can I get it on-line?
You do not need Factions to play Nightfall, that information was incorrect. Each chapter is a standalone game.
The trial key gives you free access to the game world for 20 hours, without having to actually buy a hard copy of the game itself. You simply download the content from the GW website directly. In truth, the only reason one needs to purchase a physical hard copy is for the access key itself, as all of the content can be streamed from the website. Unlike the other games you listed, GW is an entirely online game that cannot be played locally without an internet connection whatsoever. If your net goes offline, it's unplayable.
The original GW "Prophecies" is simply called Guild Wars in stores. The chapter title of "Prophecies" was added later, and so you won't find any retail boxes with "Prophecies" on them. Just look for the plain Guild Wars box that doesn't say Factions or Nightfall, and that's the Prophecies game.
GW has very little in common with the games you list, like Morrowind and Gothic. If you ever played Dungeon Siege, then imagine that game in a stripped down MMO environment with superior graphics married to a strategic RPG card game - that's GW PvE. If you've ever played online FPS games like Battlefront, Quake or Unreal, then imagine a third person version of those in a hack 'n slash magic environment married to a strategic RPG card game - that's GW PvP. Hope that helps.
PS. About 90% of all dialogue that you have with NPCs is text based, across all three chapters. The only time you have spoken dialogue is during cinematic cutscenes, everything else is reading. Nightfall is superior to the previous two chapters in this regard, and when it comes to storyline and plot.
The trial key gives you free access to the game world for 20 hours, without having to actually buy a hard copy of the game itself. You simply download the content from the GW website directly. In truth, the only reason one needs to purchase a physical hard copy is for the access key itself, as all of the content can be streamed from the website. Unlike the other games you listed, GW is an entirely online game that cannot be played locally without an internet connection whatsoever. If your net goes offline, it's unplayable.
The original GW "Prophecies" is simply called Guild Wars in stores. The chapter title of "Prophecies" was added later, and so you won't find any retail boxes with "Prophecies" on them. Just look for the plain Guild Wars box that doesn't say Factions or Nightfall, and that's the Prophecies game.
GW has very little in common with the games you list, like Morrowind and Gothic. If you ever played Dungeon Siege, then imagine that game in a stripped down MMO environment with superior graphics married to a strategic RPG card game - that's GW PvE. If you've ever played online FPS games like Battlefront, Quake or Unreal, then imagine a third person version of those in a hack 'n slash magic environment married to a strategic RPG card game - that's GW PvP. Hope that helps.
PS. About 90% of all dialogue that you have with NPCs is text based, across all three chapters. The only time you have spoken dialogue is during cinematic cutscenes, everything else is reading. Nightfall is superior to the previous two chapters in this regard, and when it comes to storyline and plot.
All 3 games are stand alone, so you can buy whichever one appeals to you. I bought Factions first without knowing anything at all about the games other than that a friend of mine had Factions. After playing Factions for about a month, I went and bought Prophecies. I received Nightfall for my birthday on November 17th, but I haven't played it enough yet to know whether I like it better or worse than the other 2.
Most people here will tell you that Prophecies is the best game of the 3. Factions is junk and Nightfall is Great. Personally, I prefer Factions over the other 2, but that may be because I learned it first.
I'd recommend going and buying 1 of the games and playing it. If you enjoy it go and get the other 2. Each is stand alone, yet they interact well together and there is more stuff to do in each game if you own all 3.
Most people here will tell you that Prophecies is the best game of the 3. Factions is junk and Nightfall is Great. Personally, I prefer Factions over the other 2, but that may be because I learned it first.
I'd recommend going and buying 1 of the games and playing it. If you enjoy it go and get the other 2. Each is stand alone, yet they interact well together and there is more stuff to do in each game if you own all 3.
Thanks for all the info. Since I've never played an on-line RPG, I didn't get all of it, but I got most of it. The original is not available in the stores I've been to. They only have GW2 and GW3. I'm not looking for "Prophecies", just "Guild Wars", but it's available on Amazon. Maybe I'll see ya in the game!
Prophecies isnt called prophecies on the box, it is just called Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by N E D M
Prophecies isnt called prophecies on the box, it is just called Guild Wars.
I definitely recommend prophecies over nightfall as a first game. Don't get me wrong, I like nightfall, but I think that if you are looking for something more traditionally fantasy in setting (as I assume you are if you are into Morrowind) then prophecies will deliver.
Is it just me or does anyone else playing nightfall feel like they are on a long safari most of the time? :P
Is it just me or does anyone else playing nightfall feel like they are on a long safari most of the time? :P
There is no "normal" free trial for GW. You may be able to get a trial key from someone who has purchased Nightfall if they haven't already given it away.
Franco Power
Save your money and buy another game,.
Anet screwed this game already, it was good yeah, 1 year ago mate.
Anet screwed this game already, it was good yeah, 1 year ago mate.
Originally Posted by Legendary Ultimatum
Save your money and buy another game,.
Anet screwed this game already, it was good yeah, 1 year ago mate. |
Originally Posted by Sven788
Tastes are diffrent but in my opinion your taste is @%#$ if you don't like the game don't post at the forum
With Guild Wars being an online game, it is constantly changing. Things change, everyone adjusts. I won't beat the dead horse because I think everyone hit everything right on the button. The games are more focused on the player's ability, skill, and thinking rather than the whole "leveling up system where where everything is based on what level you are". From the games that you listed, it sounds that you are more adept to venture into the PvE part of Guild Wars. I would also recommend either Prophecies or Nightfall. More people are currently playing Nightfall due to it being the most current chapter. Oh yeah....I think something that everyone forgot to of the great things about Guild Wars is
No Monthly Subscription!!!!!!!!!
The trial key is just to give you a chance to try it before you hand over the $50 to buy the game. it is 14 day 10 hour trial.
Crom The Pale
Check online for combo packages. I've seen the original Guild Wars paired with Nightfall for a very reasonable price, I think it was Best Buy but you should try all the game/electronics sites for it.
Prophecies is deffinatly the best way to start as the learning curve is perfect for a begginer. Nightfall has the next best content and will give you enough new skills and the two new classes are very good.
Hope you find the game and have as much fun as I have, over 3000+ hours online and I've had a huge amount of fun and met a lot of great new friends.
Prophecies is deffinatly the best way to start as the learning curve is perfect for a begginer. Nightfall has the next best content and will give you enough new skills and the two new classes are very good.
Hope you find the game and have as much fun as I have, over 3000+ hours online and I've had a huge amount of fun and met a lot of great new friends.

first all 3 of the games you suggested by default use a FPS mode... and the guild wars games are unlike those in every aspect. that said GW is a great series. if i were you i'd start off with the first chapter PHrophecies. the GOTY edition is pretty easy to find at most game stores try EB of they don't have it they will get you a copy. i recommand phrophecies first since your just learning the game and if your rpg knowledge is limited to the aforementioned games the other chapeters may be a bit to difficult for you to start off in. good luck and if you need help msg me.
Buying nightfall gives you the skill sets for all three games, or am I wrong? Will you only be able to play dervish and paragon if you buy just nightfall?
Originally Posted by Hiji
Buying nightfall gives you the skill sets for all three games, or am I wrong? Will you only be able to play dervish and paragon if you buy just nightfall?
Originally Posted by Legendary Ultimatum
Save your money and buy another game,.
Anet screwed this game already, it was good yeah, 1 year ago mate. |