A Few Good Questions

Mentalist Ellie

Mentalist Ellie


Join Date: Nov 2006


Read this first:



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


1) Max level is 20. End of story.
2) It is very easy to get to, and a large portion of each game is intended for this level. As for armors, you could get any armor at any level in theory (many of them require you to beat that particular game or complete an elite area that only a max level character with a lot of help would likely achieve)
3)There are no mounts of any kind. They are not needed as this game uses a system of fast travel on the map allowing you to instantly teleport to any city you have visited.
4) Most played proffesion is somewhat difficult to pin down, and the most needed position is up to debate (many would say Monk, and a good healer is needful indeed), but when you get down to it each of the classes holds its own unique value that can not truely be calculated.
5) Gold is the lowest monetary unit. Generally, much of your starting equipment will cost less that 100 gold (a whole suit of newbie armor will cost you about this much). The only other unit is Platnum, which is equal to 1000 Gold. A single character can hold at most 100 plat, while the storage can hold at most 1,000 plat.

Hope that helps you out a bit.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Ok, either that's just a really weird forum glitch, or I have no idea. How did the first post become the 3rd post?

[EDIT] make that 4th?? wtf? singram is the topic starter


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Land Down Under

I Come From The Land Down [UnDA]


1. lvl 20 is the max level a player can reach.
2. it matters which chapter you are playing. I've only got prophecies and it's pretty easy to reach lvl 20 in a few weeks.
3. There are no mounts like in WoW.
4. From what I have seen, warrior is the most played profession. GW party system means that every profession plays an important role in the group, though I would have to say monk is the most 'needed' profession.
5. GW currency is made up of gold and platinum.
1000g = 1 plat
1g is very little. Most max weapons sell for a few thousand gold.

I hope this helps



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006



Ok hi i have a few questions that i would like the answers to:

1. What is the max level in this game or is there a higher level to certain versoins of games e.g. Fractions = lv20 max and nightfall = lv30 max??
2. is it easy to get to this level and once you are this level is there much to try and achieve? e.g. Really high armour that can onl be obtained by becoming rich on the game.
3. Are there mounts on the game? and if so are there better mount like on wow? e.g. Mount and Elite Mount and if so do these mounts cost money??
4. Which is the most played proffession and which profession is in the most needed position??
5. What is the currency in the game like? Is 1 gold alot or very little?

Ok thank you to any answers you can give me



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Check out this site's New Player's Center (left hand menu on Home page).

Check out New Player area on Guildwiki.org

What ever profession you choose, learn your skills. While monks are always needed, no one wants a bad monk.