Emial Newsletter
It seems that i didnt receive any since they anounnce they were sending them.
bog boy
i havent either :S must be a bug
Knightsaber Sith
I think they just haven't sent any out. I know City of Villains only sends like maybe five newsletters a year. Usually only when something big's about to happen.
I actually recall getting one, like 1 week before Nightfall came out, with a list of the new added gameplay that would be in Nightfall.
Knightsaber Sith
^That was the first and ony newsletter ever sent we've been refering to....
So there isnt a way to receive them??
Knightsaber Sith
It's not that there's no way to get them; it's that they aren't sending any.......
they have nothing big to tell us atm.
they have nothing big to tell us atm.