Ranger Insignia mission - Factions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

London, UK


Can someone give me some hints on completing this misson as Im finding it impossible. Should I wait until Im about level 15ish?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Level 15ish? o_O

I usually do those ~lvl8, if not lower.

Snaring Course - Easy, just own the guy running from you, pin down if needed.

Disruption - Easy again, interupt his Meteor or w/e if you like, but basically just own him.

Defense - Tip: Just Attack them, at ~50% health they give up and stop attacking you. If you have a decent bow (max is 15-28, close to that is fine) you meet the requirement of this takes like 3-4 hits to do.

Chaining - Take Panaka first, If you did Defense fine enough (with that close to max bow suggestion) then this is easy. Interupt Shadow Refuge if you need too.

Psyco K

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2008

Umm, I am here now, and cannot get the Defense Course beaten.

I have a Longbow 11-17 Piercing damage, Damage+20%, Damage+10%(while health is above 50%).

How would I obtain a better bow at my lower level?

I noticed there was a Collector of Kappa Shells i believe it was, for a recurve bow fo fortitude, but ive killed over 300 Kappa's and not a single shell.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


I don't think your weapon is the problem. Take a look at your skill bar instead. Pay attention to the skills that are given to you when you accept the quest for each course. Usually the skills given are the ones you will need on your bar for that course.

For example, in the snaring course you are given Pin Down. Use Pin Down to immediately snare Zho and then start dealing damage. Once her crippled condition wears off, snare her again and repeat until she's beaten. Use speed bursts to catch up to her if needed.

These quests teach you valuable techniques that you'll need to learn for pvp and even for tougher sections in pve.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2005



Like TheRaven says, pay attention to the skills given to you for each course. Equip those and build the rest of your bar around them. There's a list of those skills obtained here in case you've forgotten which you got.

As for collector's bow, it isn't really much better then the one you have equipped now. If you want it anyway, make sure you kill the lvl6 Kappas and not the hatchlings for the shells. But make sure you meet the reqs of your bows to get the stated damage out of it.