Do vampiric weopons drop in Pre-searing?
Hey there guys/gals, I did a "little" searching. Didn't find answer, I'm just curious if weopons in The Northlands in Pre-searing drop with vampiric mods on them. I was thinking that it was changed to that zealous and vampiric only come on gold weopons? Maybe I'm totally off, thanks in advance!
bog boy
i am sure a guy a while back had 1 in pre searing but im not 100%
Vampiric and Zealous mods can only appear on a gold drop now, so where ever you get a gold drop, you "should" have a chance at getting one of those mods. That said, in presear, I'd be inclined to say that it's more likely to be a non-max vamp mod.
But Golds don't drop in Pre
so, there's no chance on getting a vampiric mod in Pre.

Pre Searing doesn't get a lot of the updates the rest of the game gets. Vamp mods are possible in Pre, but are ULTRA rare drops.