How has Nightfall changed the face of your guild?
I'm just wondering if any other guilds have seen things really slow down since the release of Nightfall? Or maybe it's a combo and Nightfall and the holidays???
I've found that our guild chat and alliance chat has gone from chatty and social to almost a ghost town. Players have become really quiet and so focused on finishing Nightfall and leveling heroes that they no longer want to join up for any group ventures. When players ask for help, very few people answer.
I've also seen some attrition lately for the following reasons: finished Nightfall without the rest of us and now bored and quitting game, no one answers questions on guild chat so they leave for another guild, others see attrition on guild status and simply jumpship too so then things seem to domino.
I know my alliance guild leaders said they've seen a slow down too. Have others seen this?
What can we do to revive the livelihood of the guild communities if we aren't a pvp guild? I've tried organizing trips to fow or uw where I pay and I only get 3 responses when 20 people are logged in. I know I might sound whiney but I'm starting to get concerned because I used to have a really great and thriving guild until Nightfall came out and now things are quickly slipping downhill. I want to keep members I currently have and also make us more enticing for new members again.
I've found that our guild chat and alliance chat has gone from chatty and social to almost a ghost town. Players have become really quiet and so focused on finishing Nightfall and leveling heroes that they no longer want to join up for any group ventures. When players ask for help, very few people answer.
I've also seen some attrition lately for the following reasons: finished Nightfall without the rest of us and now bored and quitting game, no one answers questions on guild chat so they leave for another guild, others see attrition on guild status and simply jumpship too so then things seem to domino.
I know my alliance guild leaders said they've seen a slow down too. Have others seen this?
What can we do to revive the livelihood of the guild communities if we aren't a pvp guild? I've tried organizing trips to fow or uw where I pay and I only get 3 responses when 20 people are logged in. I know I might sound whiney but I'm starting to get concerned because I used to have a really great and thriving guild until Nightfall came out and now things are quickly slipping downhill. I want to keep members I currently have and also make us more enticing for new members again.
I think its still too early to make a call. The holidays keep people busy in real life, so gaming will go down for some depending on the demographics of your guild. If you have a lot of high school or college kids it may actually pick up again as they go on vacation.
Also, a lot of people are still finishing the game with multiple characters, as they want to get skills capped and such for them.
For basic missions I think most folks are taking hero teams also.
For us, I actually see pretty good activity, but a lot of folks are doing things they normally don't focus on because of what Nightfall has brought us. I expect though that the elite mission areas are going to be drawing the attention of teams really soon!
Also, a lot of people are still finishing the game with multiple characters, as they want to get skills capped and such for them.
For basic missions I think most folks are taking hero teams also.
For us, I actually see pretty good activity, but a lot of folks are doing things they normally don't focus on because of what Nightfall has brought us. I expect though that the elite mission areas are going to be drawing the attention of teams really soon!
It's completely the opposite here, heh.
The guild was so silent, leader played other games alot more than GW
...'till NF came out.
Since then we do loads of HA, and only just now I lost in HoH.
You'll recognize us by the name Super Size [XXL], we've been winning halls a couple of times since we started doing it again... 2 weeks ago i think.
Nightfall ftw ^^
The guild was so silent, leader played other games alot more than GW
...'till NF came out.
Since then we do loads of HA, and only just now I lost in HoH.
You'll recognize us by the name Super Size [XXL], we've been winning halls a couple of times since we started doing it again... 2 weeks ago i think.
Nightfall ftw ^^
We've always been a very small guild but actually Factions is what decimated us.
Prophecies, we were a tight knit group. Then we all got Factions, most of the guys played a bit then lost complete interest and gravitated to WoW.......and haven't returned to try Nightfall (Factions left that bad of a taste in their mouth
Prophecies, we were a tight knit group. Then we all got Factions, most of the guys played a bit then lost complete interest and gravitated to WoW.......and haven't returned to try Nightfall (Factions left that bad of a taste in their mouth

hmm, our guild a completely PVE only guild, found factions to drive us closer as a group, we found hunting in prophecies alot more fun than factions and it has carried over to night fall. but our guild chat was always pretty quite, never much to say when chest running or mapping, etc..., the alliance chat on the other hand is and has been very active. i guess everyones experience may vary , but i would say the holidays does have an effect.
I think with Night Fall and the addition of heros it will change a lot within guilds. The addition of heros can now make smaller groups much more enjoyable and just a few friends can be even more effective without the need for dreaded PUGS !
Myself I like the smaller guilds over the larger ones since a sense of community is formed as opposed to a HUGE gaming hub. I think NightFall has the potential to help smaller guilds and KILL large alliances, unless just some HUGE gaming HUB is what everyone wants in the first place.
Myself I like the smaller guilds over the larger ones since a sense of community is formed as opposed to a HUGE gaming hub. I think NightFall has the potential to help smaller guilds and KILL large alliances, unless just some HUGE gaming HUB is what everyone wants in the first place.
I am in a smaller guild and Nightfall has changed things a lot.
Our alliance chat is down to minimum only. You ask for help and will
get "I made it with heros/henchies."
Yes everyone is lvling heros etc. In the guild I am glad to say we do
still get together and help each other wherever but heroes have
ruined a lot of the team spirit.
I for one am tired of doing missions/quests with heros etc.
This is no reflection on my guild or Anet it just isn't as much fun
as before.
As far as pugs go I have been in more good then bad and most pugs
are in guilds so where are the guildies to come to the rescue.
Don't be so quick to put down pugs
Our alliance chat is down to minimum only. You ask for help and will
get "I made it with heros/henchies."
Yes everyone is lvling heros etc. In the guild I am glad to say we do
still get together and help each other wherever but heroes have
ruined a lot of the team spirit.
I for one am tired of doing missions/quests with heros etc.
This is no reflection on my guild or Anet it just isn't as much fun
as before.
As far as pugs go I have been in more good then bad and most pugs
are in guilds so where are the guildies to come to the rescue.
Don't be so quick to put down pugs
Actually since I've posted this, things have finally returned to normal. People were so focused on their heroes and finishing the game that they seemed to not be able to function socially. Now that most of the guild has finished or are close to finishing Nightfall, people have woken up from their comas. They are starting to talk on the guild chat again and offer to help people on missions and quests.
Thank goodness!
Thank goodness!
It's not just the smaller guilds. Both Rare and SMS have noticed this, a normally active AC went nearly silent. People weren't helping each other, etc... As the leader of Rare, It worried me greatly.
However, in the past three weeks, things have picked up and returned to normal. I think were just seeing the impact of NF and heroes and everything that comes with a new chapter.
Leaders and Officers want to get through the game on their own, maybe get a title or two they want (especially Cartographer and Protector), and THEN they are in a good position to offer help to everyone else.
However, in the past three weeks, things have picked up and returned to normal. I think were just seeing the impact of NF and heroes and everything that comes with a new chapter.
Leaders and Officers want to get through the game on their own, maybe get a title or two they want (especially Cartographer and Protector), and THEN they are in a good position to offer help to everyone else.
no1 is ever on in my guild anymore :/ we got 100 players aswell, its so quiet, no1 really speaks, and alliance, well, no point having Alliance chat on, never hear a word
we broke up and died, yey!
jon0592, NF didn't really change anything. Our leader still bugs us to FF (hehe if you're reading this I AM getting the daily req), seeing as we own Cavalon (well, another guild does but we have more faction that them).
The only difference NF brought are more cries for help in missions. Especially Gate of Madness.
Man, all of you guys talk of QUIET gc/ac...any time of the day and there's spam...and I love it
The only difference NF brought are more cries for help in missions. Especially Gate of Madness.
Man, all of you guys talk of QUIET gc/ac...any time of the day and there's spam...and I love it

Died, reborn, went separate ways, reborn. Alliance split, some of us migrated to the more friendly guilds from the alliance. All is well.
Guild chat is never dull
Defending the cookie jar just as before NF came out.
Guild chat is never dull

Defending the cookie jar just as before NF came out.
Yea Our alliance was more of a PvE alliance anyway. we are currently deciding a new alliance leader cause the current one is not interested in keeping it up, so I will prob take it. But we have a full alliance. maybe one or two guilds that seem inactive atm, that I will give a month or so before dumping... but basically its about the same as it was for factions. Normally within the whole alliance we have anywhere from 8 to 20 players on at a time unless really late and then its only 3 or 4. But its enough to get together if someone needs help on something. Like Sorrows, UW, Fissure, or SoA. And lately Gates of madness. lol I still get alliance members trying to fill out a pug and need a monk or something to complete the group, cause it seems people do not like to use heroes in those missions. However for the most part its not too bad. I do hear the PvP side of the game suffered pretty bad with nightfall, as the normal interested parties moved on to bigger and better things; or so they say. I don't see that evidence other then seeing weird countries taking halls that would have never stood a chance before. But it all comes around eventually. So its all good. If it goes as I expect Chapter 4 will have a ton of new PvP features to help that side of the game again. Maybe new HoH or different kinds of HoH. that kind of thing... Possibily newer arenas and larger scale battles. IE 32 vs 32 type battles... we will see...
My guild's a PvP guild, and when Nightfall was released we were as active as can be, working with the new builds. The holidays have come around so half our guild is out doing other things, but once the skill update occurs in mid-January we'll be brimming with activity again.
Cow Tale
nothing changed at all other than some guildies dont have nf and cant play with me there.
Roguish Seraph
Yeah, I have noticed that same change in the guild I am. I'm on of the officers in my guild and it dropped to dead silence in an instant after a week of NF play time. Our guild numbers had dropped dramatically, as well. Our guild leader is on every day and a select few are with in with them, but morst have left or quit coming on. And we dont even have every member with NF. Our alliances are quiet too.
Maybe its the holiday season...but we were missing members before the holiday season hit.
Maybe its the holiday season...but we were missing members before the holiday season hit.
El Presidente
My former guild, Clan Dethryche [dth] had numbers of a full alliance with every guild at max, while we held Cavalon. After we gave it up and decided to enjoy the game instead, our membership decreased to less than 50 in the guild and just 4 other smaller alliance guilds.
Nightfall took very little time to complete...then Wintersday came along...
Many got bored with both, though we all had NF, yet still the member rate dropped. I left the guild yesterday and we had 30 total guildies...with quite a few people not logged in for a week up to a month. Alliance chat was more quite and most rarely bothered to even have it on...
Nightfall took very little time to complete...then Wintersday came along...
Many got bored with both, though we all had NF, yet still the member rate dropped. I left the guild yesterday and we had 30 total guildies...with quite a few people not logged in for a week up to a month. Alliance chat was more quite and most rarely bothered to even have it on...