I have only been playing GW for a few weeks now so excuse me if the answer to this is obvious:
I created a character R/Me for storyline mode (i.e. not starting off automatically at level 20 for PvP). I began the game in Ascalon with the regions of "Old Ascalon" to the south, the "Great Northern Wall" to the north and so on. After working my way to about Lvl 8, I decided to create another character, again not an automatic Lvl 20 PvP. I made a N/Mo character, only this time I begin playing in a new area, which is presumably "Pre-Searing" Ascalon by looking at the maps (i.e. "Lakeside County" to the south and "The Northlands" to the north). What is going on here? Do certain professions begin in different areas? Any help would be great.
My 2 Characters Start in Different Places
Johnny Wetnight
That is unusual... all Prophecies characters begin in Pre-Searing, which is where your n/mo started, then end up where you said your R/Me started, in Old Ascalon, and go from there. Must have been a bug.
If you took the Academy quest early on then your first toon could have been moved to post-sear pretty quick. All you need is a 2nd profession. Do you remember a little PvP battle followed by a little quest with Rurik to kill a Charr boss?
Johnny Wetnight
I think I do remember taking the Academy quest early on, but I had left Ascalon before I went on the quest and it was still Post-Searing as far as I can remember. So this is some kind of error? Also, are there no henchmen in Pre-Searing?
Welcome to GW!!! Sounds kinda weird to me. And no, there are no henchies in Pre-searing. No dye traders, either - so save any dyes you get for later on.
The way it's set up to work is that you start in Pre-searing, then once you go to the acadamy, you'll do a PvP battle, then go on a quick quest with Prince Rurick, and then the searing hits and you find yourself in Old Ascalon.
The way it's set up to work is that you start in Pre-searing, then once you go to the acadamy, you'll do a PvP battle, then go on a quick quest with Prince Rurick, and then the searing hits and you find yourself in Old Ascalon.
It sounds like you left pre-searing so soon that you don't even remember it.
Originally Posted by DeanBB
If you took the Academy quest early on then your first toon could have been moved to post-sear pretty quick. All you need is a 2nd profession. Do you remember a little PvP battle followed by a little quest with Rurik to kill a Charr boss?
Yep, happened to me. I spent about 2 hours trying to figure out why I got cursed to this burnt out place with monsters waaay to deadly for my youngling...
deleted and restarted new character making sure i don't talk to that npc anymore! lol
Johnny Wetnight
Yup that's what it is...I understand why I don't remember because I've been know to down a couple 40's during gameplay. Thanks guys