Armbrace of truth?
Ok, I can't really play right now, but I noticed that there is a weapons fellow asking for 1 armbrace in exchange for some nice shiny weapons. does one go about obtaining armbraces? Are they made from the new gems? Are they a drop much like any other collectable? Are they a quest reward? Is there a limit to how many you can get per character? (I realize we may not know all the answers to all these questions yet, seeing as how Anguish just opened. That's ok. I'd just like the "bleeding edge" info from the forefront.)
Im gonna tell you how and what to do.
First of all you need 25 och each gemstone (25 margonite, 25 titan, 25 torment and 25 stygian. Easy counting, 100 gemstones)
Then you need to take all these stone to an area, complete it. After you killed the "endboss" like in City of Torc'qua and kill Lord Jadoth. Then a NPC appear, he trade all these stones for an Armbrace of Truth.
Where is this NPC? I only know where he appear on Torc'qua, in the fort you clean from enemies, just right next to the lizardman (forgotten), just inside the gate of that fort.
Someone may think this is a joke-post because of the really big amount of gemstones. But it isn't, when i completed City of Torc'qua one of my mates that where with me saw this new NPC that havent been there befor, just where i discribed it above. So i went to check it out. And he said 25 of each gemstones.
First of all you need 25 och each gemstone (25 margonite, 25 titan, 25 torment and 25 stygian. Easy counting, 100 gemstones)
Then you need to take all these stone to an area, complete it. After you killed the "endboss" like in City of Torc'qua and kill Lord Jadoth. Then a NPC appear, he trade all these stones for an Armbrace of Truth.
Where is this NPC? I only know where he appear on Torc'qua, in the fort you clean from enemies, just right next to the lizardman (forgotten), just inside the gate of that fort.
Someone may think this is a joke-post because of the really big amount of gemstones. But it isn't, when i completed City of Torc'qua one of my mates that where with me saw this new NPC that havent been there befor, just where i discribed it above. So i went to check it out. And he said 25 of each gemstones.
Thank you for the reply, but I've since completed Torc'qua and discovered the answer there as well. :`(
I am now 3% of the way to acquiring the shield that I want.
I am now 3% of the way to acquiring the shield that I want.
Is there anyone there have a Screen / Photo of the Collector and the Item's, i would like to see them.
- Melloni Myaka.
- Melloni Myaka.

also price has been drop to 15 of each gem i believe