Derish or ritualist??


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

as my first character do you think i would enjoy the female derivish or the female ritualist bette??

Thanks in advance


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Depends on how you think you'd like to play. If you like to run in and hit stuff then dervish. If you prefer to hang back and do more support/cerebral stuff then rit might be more fun for you.

Could always start both and alternate between them for a while if you aren't sure. In any case welcome to GW and have fun.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Ritualist is a useful class in PvE, and is in higher demand than Dervishes atm due to Nightfall's release. They make decent farmers, too.

Elemental Cotton

Elemental Cotton

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


Since Nightfall just came out, there will be more Dervishes than Ritualists. I'd recommend starting with a Ritualist.



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


I would suggest trying them both, to see how you like them. Everyone has different playing styles and can find certain professions more fun and/or easier to handle than others (playing a ranger just confuses me while playing a mesmer is almost instinctive to me, for example). You never have to limit yourself to a single character, so play around and see how each of the professions suit you


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

so what do you mean by farmer??


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore





Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Maromi
so what do you mean by farmer??
Farming is the act of killing critter's for their drops - find a few select group's of critter's and keep wiping them out for their drops. Thus "farming" their drops and making some money.

For more info on farming, and farming build's, and places to farm.. check out the Farming forum:

However, my advice would be to ignore farming untill you have completed the game at least once. You won't need to farm for gold to buy what you need through the game - Farming for gold is only really needed when your looking for end-game content.. ie 15K armor's, max perfect gold weapon's, etc.

Edit - Please be polite people. You might think it's "stupid" to post a thread like this, but please don't be rude or insulting or your post's will be deleted.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

I think Dervish appeals to many more people, though I personally prefer Ritualist by far. I'll agree with Pkest and Toutatis; invest a bit of time in both, enough to get a bit of a feel for them, then decide which you like (or if you like both).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006



If you're playing PvE, it may also be a good idea to start both out and alternate between them since they begin in different areas (well, different campaigns), so you shouldn't get bored of doing the same stuff twice over, either.
...If you're playing PvP... ignore what I just said


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

I think ritualist. I just started my dervish and I have to say a beginning dervish seems to be a rather weak character. Now my guildmates tell me it gets better as they level but Im not enjoying dervish all that much.

Sir Twisteh

Sir Twisteh

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Dreaming Angels [DA]




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sorrow's Furnace Hot Tub



If this is your first character, then I'd suggest a Dervish over a Ritualist. The reason is that Dervishes cause direct damage, and Ritualists either cause indirect damage or none, as they are often support characters. There is a branch of magic for Ritualists called Channeling, but it is rather weak, and not much call for Channeling Ritualists exists in Guild Wars (that is, groups will always want you to be either a summoner or a restoration ritualist).

Dervishes have a bad rap because, like Assassins before them (and warriors before assassins), most people don't know how to play them well. Played correctly, Dervishes are almost as good as warriors at surviving (tanking), and can deal more damage whilst surviving. People will probably quote you all sorts of dps calculations to prove me wrong, but I'm talking about the ability to stay alive while dealing damage, not being completely offensive.

Having said all this junk, most people find it more entertaining for their first character to press a key and watch something die (dervish), rather than pressing a key that summons something that kills the bad guy for you.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

I'd say choose a Dervish because the Rits have been nerfed so hard it's not funny anymore. The only thing Rits are good for are situational solo farming and where's the fun in that?

Rit's dont do anything as well as the core classes, so they're never ever first choices in a team. They might have been useful for support once, but since most spirits takes an insane amount of energy to cast and last a few seconds only, they can't even do back support. The rit is dead, get a monk hero instead.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


like others have said, it all depends on wat ur playing type is like...but to add onto the dervish is that since the Droks run has been nerfed very few can make it...i just did a test run and a dervish came with us...she got farther than th WHOLE group before dying, didnt make it all the way but was a good if ur thinkin about that in the future...go with dervish...but sythes just ROCK!!!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


I dont like any of the two but the most fun is the Dervish once u level up and get skills.. eitherwards Rit is better itsa toss up.