First 6 hours of GW: impressions and questions


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Alrighty then....

Created account, made a E/Mo and started talking to NPCs, doing their little quests and moving along to level 2 and 3...then suddenly I'm in what I think was PVP, then with 3 henchmen teleported to some horrible place with monsters that owned me all day (post ascalon apparently). Be nice if that npc said what exactly you'll be leaving behind instead of just saying "leave it 'all' behind." No biggee..I expected to be remaking the first few characters until I got a good groove -- delete char 2. (first was deleted because i allocated attributes foolishly not knowing i could recall them and reallocate them elsewhere)

Created char 3...forgot why i deleted it..maybe i didn't like the way she looked or was named...

Char 4...lvl 6 now, getting the hang of it after reading ALOT of noob articles and things. It's tought starting a new game refraining from actually playing it to scour this site and find a needle in a haystack..the needle being those precious noob articles tucked away. But worth it.

Some questions, if you don't mind:

1) I'm still trying to find out what is the best armor to craft for an E/Mo doing fire/light/energy (shooting for 11/10/10 or something). I don't know where to craft in Ascalon but I did find the crafter at that post sear place on a different char..too bad i didn't keep the stuff on those deleted chars..which brings me to my second question..

2) Storage? Is there a public storage NPC because inventory. I learned that i need to get a belt bag and/or additional bags for more inventory space...but again...looks like i only saw it in post-seared ascalon. If there is such storage...what towns in pre-sear?

3) crafters in pre-sear? where's the first ones?

4) be nice to opaque or move that compass, the level bar, and other it possible to alter the interface at all? Move them big dumb spell buttons around, or get rid of them partially?

5) what are the quests i DON'T want to miss from level 1-10?

6) Which npcs start missions, or how do i start a mission and how do you know which missions you can take depending on your level/fitness, etc?

Thanks in advance! Good game! Be nice to see another player once in a while..but i'm sure theyre' all at lions crotch or the high level arena.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


You can get away with a lot of stuff in low levels, so don't worry about attriubutes right now, just play around.

There is a storage agent that gives 20 additional storage slots and materials storage, but you have to go to Post searing to get there. With it, you can also transfer stuff between your different characters.

You can alter your interface. Hit the F11 button.

Don't go to post searing before doing all the quests that give you skill rewards.

No NPCs start missions in Phrophecies (with that guy who sends you to post searing as sort of an exception). Mission towns will have a button under the party menu that says "enter mission."

Also, sorry to hear that there aren't that many people around. Early areas of the game are abbandoned right now, and you are right they are all higher end areas.

You should be level 7-8 or so before going to post searing. Then you will have "primary quests" in the quest log that you follow for the storyline.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006


The first days times i played gw...

I was like whoa!

Dream land all pretty!^__^ then it turns into the uglyness that it is. >.>

Elemental Cotton

Elemental Cotton

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by IRONCHEF
1) I'm still trying to find out what is the best armor to craft for an E/Mo doing fire/light/energy (shooting for 11/10/10 or something). I don't know where to craft in Ascalon but I did find the crafter at that post sear place on a different char..
I assume you meant light as in air? I'd recommend you go full fire at the beginning of the game, because you get more fire spells than any other elements.
As for the best armor to craft for an elementalist.. there is really no 'best' armor, just different armors you can use depending on your build and your play style.

2) Storage? Is there a public storage NPC because inventory. I learned that i need to get a belt bag and/or additional bags for more inventory space...but again...looks like i only saw it in post-seared ascalon. If there is such storage...what towns in pre-sear?
Yes, there are storage NPCs, but only in Post-searing. If my memory serves me, there's no storage NPCs in Pre-searing.

3) crafters in pre-sear? where's the first ones?
There's no crafters in Pre-searing, but there are collectors. You can collect certain items then exchange them for a different armor. Not sure if the armor level of the collectors armor is higher than the starting armor.

4) be nice to opaque or move that compass, the level bar, and other it possible to alter the interface at all? Move them big dumb spell buttons around, or get rid of them partially?
Yes, you can alter the interface, just go to the 'menu' (forgot the hotkey for it) then click options, and look around in the options box and you should find the option to change interface or 'layout'. (Been a long time since I played so pardon me if I'm wrong.)

5) what are the quests i DON'T want to miss from level 1-10?
Post-searing or Pre-searing? In Pre-searing, you will definitely want to do the Adventure with a friend quest and all the secondary quests, you can only have one secondary but doing them will give you some experience and some insight to how the other classes work.

In Post-searing, I'd just say do all the quests that give skills/spells as reward, because it can be expensive to buy all of your skills from a skill trainer.

6) Which npcs start missions, or how do i start a mission and how do you know which missions you can take depending on your level/fitness, etc?
When you enter a mission outpost, you can start the mission by clicking 'enter mission'.
Also, you can take just about any missions at any level, but I'd not recommend trying to do the missions at level 1. That's just silly. =P

Have fun playing Guild Wars.

Darn, the others beat me to it. =P


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

these will be a great help

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Cult of Doom


Originally Posted by IRONCHEF
Alrighty then....
Some questions, if you don't mind:

1) I'm still trying to find out what is the best armor to craft for an E/Mo doing fire/light/energy (shooting for 11/10/10 or something). I don't know where to craft in Ascalon but I did find the crafter at that post sear place on a different char..too bad i didn't keep the stuff on those deleted chars..which brings me to my second question..

2) Storage? Is there a public storage NPC because inventory. I learned that i need to get a belt bag and/or additional bags for more inventory space...but again...looks like i only saw it in post-seared ascalon. If there is such storage...what towns in pre-sear?

3) crafters in pre-sear? where's the first ones?

4) be nice to opaque or move that compass, the level bar, and other it possible to alter the interface at all? Move them big dumb spell buttons around, or get rid of them partially?

5) what are the quests i DON'T want to miss from level 1-10?

6) Which npcs start missions, or how do i start a mission and how do you know which missions you can take depending on your level/fitness, etc?

Thanks in advance! Good game! Be nice to see another player once in a while..but i'm sure theyre' all at lions crotch or the high level arena.
1. I believe there is only one armor available (above starter armor) in pre-searing, and it is all from collectors. You wont be crafting it, and yes about the items between characters-

2. you get storage vault AFTER pre-searing... and yeah especially if youre still new I would recommend spending some doing all your skill quests for your class before leaving (there are 3 trainers for each profession) otherwise you will have to buy those skills later should you decide to use them.

3. each class's collector is in a different spot- some are the same, some are a little harder to find... and I dont know of helmet/hat/mask collectors are available there (been a while)

4. Interface? Go to options and go to the Interface tab- and go nuts. I dont know about transparency though... but it really is the perfect UI system IMO.

5. well- doing all presearing quests is a good way to GET level 10... do the moa bird quest (some farmer guy i think) for sure because he gives you a unique longsword that is good for casters at any level (say if you use 'adjecent' or 'touch' type spells in particular) it looks identical to the fabled 'crystal swords' of the Hall of Heros (THE rarest drop in game!) but it is listed as a Long Sword. I gave mine to my Ritualist for farming... but thats another story... lol. EDIT- btw its not a max damage sword, so it wont be good for a fighter... it has bonuses while casting spells

6. usually primary quest order is the only requirement for accessing new areas and quests. skill trainer quests are listed on Technically there is not level requirement in prophecies

I dont want to give away storyline spoilers so ill leave it at that-


EDIT 3 - lol lion's crotch- look on the bright side- all the elitist piss ants are all playing the new game and Im sure your time in Chapter 1 will be much more ... uh... pleasant? nowadays. people will be able to help you out more than most of us 'old-heads' ever got. Ive actually been playing since release day, My first character was a mesmer, and while the towns were fuller, nobody understood mesmers, so they all assumed I sucked.

Texas Flood

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Wiltwangsons legionnaires


Do all the skill quest

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005





Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Please take note of the link this man has left for you. Make it your best friend.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

I was going to post guildwiki also. Best source of info on the game out there.

Though it can be unwieldy to a newbie (it really helps to know, as specifically as possible, what info you are looking for).

For your quest answers go look at the quests list under pre-sear and read them. It will tell where to start, prerequisites to get the quests, how to complete them, and the rewards. You do not need to do all of them, but it helps quite a bit and they are pretty easy to complete (I normally skip the one where you have to go above the wall, just too irritating to bother with getting someone to do it with). At least do all the ones that give skill rewards.

Other than that, I would say the rest of your questions have been answered quite well.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by IRONCHEF
1) I'm still trying to find out what is the best armor to craft for an E/Mo doing fire/light/energy (shooting for 11/10/10 or something). I don't know where to craft in Ascalon but I did find the crafter at that post sear place on a different char..too bad i didn't keep the stuff on those deleted chars..which brings me to my second question..

Don't worry overmuch about armors at this point. Go for whatever is aesthetically pleasing. If I remember correctly, none of the Prophecies armors for the Elementalist are significantly different bonus-wise. They all protect against an element. Your choice of armor will have no bearing on your build

2) Storage? Is there a public storage NPC because inventory. I learned that i need to get a belt bag and/or additional bags for more inventory space...but again...looks like i only saw it in post-seared ascalon. If there is such storage...what towns in pre-sear?

There is no storage in pre-searing

3) crafters in pre-sear? where's the first ones?

There are collectors in pre-searing, no crafters

4) be nice to opaque or move that compass, the level bar, and other it possible to alter the interface at all? Move them big dumb spell buttons around, or get rid of them partially?

You can customize the interface a great deal through the options menu

5) what are the quests i DON'T want to miss from level 1-10?

The most important quests you literally can't miss. There is one side quest which I never left pre-searing without. It's called Tithe for Ashford Abbey, the reward includes a skill point

6) Which npcs start missions, or how do i start a mission and how do you know which missions you can take depending on your level/fitness, etc?

You start a mission by pressing the "Enter Mission" button which becomes available when you are in a mission outpost. Following the primary quest line will always take you to a mission. It is very possible in post-searing that you find the missions out of order during your exploration. Use GuildWiki for the names of the missions if this happens

Thanks in advance! Good game! Be nice to see another player once in a while..but i'm sure theyre' all at lions crotch or the high level arena.
I can't stress this enough, join a reasonable guild.

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


if you need help in game you can whisper me. my in game name is....Cow Tale. just tell me youre from the guru so i know who u are. im on a lot and dont mind helpin out ussually.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

When not at Aziure's Wizard Tower you can find my in Belgium

Knigths of the Keyboard Order - KkO

although Guildwiki is really good (= best source imho), remember it is still fan based so sometimes you'll find things there that are not always 100% correct (but its not very often like this )



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Hard Mode Legion [HML]


Some hints on the armor (post-searing).
There are 2 crafters in the first city you will visit in post-searing (Ascalon City).
If you can afford it, buy your armor at Corwen (the expensive crafter).
That armor should get you a long way into the story without upgrading.

To save money you could collect your armor.
Collectors armor is only basic, but it will get you through the game.
When you are planning to run more than one character, remember which collectable drops give armor and stock those. That makes obtaining the armor on an other character easier.

Max armor (not collectors) is 1500 gold each piece (and some crafting materials), so save up gold and materials (mainly bolth of cloth, you need around 200).
The storage NPC (post only) has a seperate materials storage which you should buy. You can then store up to 250 of each crafting material.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



pLAN AND SIMPLE. What first 6 hours. I think my 6 hours on my first turn became 12 or 13 hours.



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


In response to the question about which armor is right for your Elementalist, I would suggest looking at the armor types that give you a little more protection in the areas you're travelling through. For example, in post-searing Ascalon some of the nastiest monsters use fire based attacks, so the Pyromancer armor set would offer a bit more protection (extra armor against fire). Or switch to Hydromancer gear when you run up against monsters that use cold-based attacks. Elementalists can get different armor sets to protect against specific types of elemental damage, which you can take advantage of.

Getting armor from collectors can be a good thing too, if you don't mind not having additional bonuses on your gear. It'll get you by (and give you some extra things to salvage for materials) and give you some more time to save for the next crafted armor set that you really want. If you look through the "Screenshot Exposition" category here you'll find hundreds of screenshots of the varieties of armor available, so you can get your character looking the way you want him/her to (the look is just as important as functionality sometimes - it's a statement of personality as well as a line of defence against incoming hits)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Wow, you have all been very helpful and I'll hit that wiki mentioned several times! Excellent community here! Can't wait to return the favor to other noobs coming to GW! Thanks again folks!